3, 2008
Issue #16
Please Read!
Important Announcement
Christian Inspiration
Vs. Fear: Making Belief a Way of Life
At The Hem!
lessons and resources at The Hem
Important Announcement:
Please Read...
Praise The Lord!
Before we jump into our devotional, I have a very important
So that I can service all of you Special VIPs better, we are switching
our email service. As part
of the changeover process, next week...
- You'll
be receiving a special email message from me
with the Subject Line: Please
verify subscription to the-hem.
- You
MUST Click the Confirmation Link
in the email I send you next week in order to continue receiving The
Hem Devotional and joining in on our special VIP Program.
- As Your
Special Gift for sticking with us through this transition,
once you Re-Confirm your subscription by clicking the confirmation link
in next week's email, I will send you this exclusive 4 part
audio series totally free.
Your FREE Gift
For Re-Confirming Your Subscription To The Hem!
Simply Click the Confirmation
Link In Next Week's Email and Receive Your FREE 4 Part Audio series!
- Part 1:
Your First Love
Uncover how to
reconnect with God and
rekindle the spiritual love affair that He desires for us to share with
- Part 2:
Your Key To Intimacy with God
How do you really look
at God?
Do you think of Him as a rule maker and an authority figure? Or, is He
a source of wisdom and guidance?
- Part 3:
To Develop
Intimacy With God
Do you long for more intimacy in your relationship with God? Discover
specific steps that you can make to begin deepening the relationship
that you share with the Lord.
- Part 4:
To Really
Make Time For God
In the midst of this fast paced world that we live in, how can we
really slow down and connect with God?
Discover practical ways that you can build more time
for God into your daily life.
So, be on the look out for your special email from me next week with
the Subject Line: Please verify
subscription to the-hem.
Once you Re-Confirm your subscription to The Hem devotional, I will
immediately send you your special audio series absolutely free!
God Bless!

You Longing For More of God?
Do you sense that God is calling you to a deeper
more abiding relationship with Him, and you're finally ready to take
Him up on the offer? Are you ready to experience a fresh
outpouring of God's Holy Spirit on every part of your daily life?
Discover how to develop true intimacy with God through His Word and His
Holy Spirit. Find out how to release your past mistakes and
pains so that you can walk into the destiny that God has in store for
you. Learn how to hear God's voice for yourself and know His
will for your life.

Hem's New School-of-the-Spirit.org!
Spirit Filled
Education, Inspiration, and Fellowship
Inspiration and Motivation:
Faith Vs. Fear:
Making Belief a Way of Life
By Ameerah Lewis
FAITH is the assurance
(the confirmation, the
title deed) of the things [we] hope for,
being the proof
of things [we]
do not see
and the conviction of their reality
[faith perceiving as
real fact what is not revealed to the senses].
- Hebrews 11:1 AMP
As I prepare for the newest class we'll
be starting at School-of-the-Spirit.org next week on faith, fear, and
learning to truly trust God, I really had to stop and ask myself a
serious question: What
do I really have faith in?
You know, when it comes down to it,
faith and fear are the exact same thing:
- The
expectation, whether positive or negative, of something that you can
not yet see.
Why then, do we as
Believers often
find that expecting our impending doom is far easier than
expecting to see the everyday victories that God promises us in His
What are you really expecting to see
in your daily life? God's promises that you will prosper and
be in health, or the world's promises of turmoil and tragedy?
In what have you placed your faith?
Unfortunately, if we are being
honest, most Christians have more faith in Satan's ability to steal,
and destroy; than our Heavenly Father's ability to give us an
and overflowing life of victory through Christ Jesus (John 10:10).
Of course, we all want to be able to
say that we've placed our faith in God. And yet, we are
constantly plagued by thoughts of fear and doubt instead of hope and
Our thoughts reveal the tragic
truth: Through the media and the lies of the enemy,we have learned to
expect the worse.
You know, I love reading the opening
scripture, Hebrews 11:1, because it reminds us that faith is our
assurance and proof
that the things that we do not yet see are as real as the
things we see before us.
In fact, if you ever really want to
walk in Victory over life's circumstances, then the promises that God
has written to you in His Word must become even more real to you than
what you can see, touch or feel!
That is true belief.
That is true faith - When
you learn to truly trust
what God's Word promises you more than you do what you see with our own
Though your eyes may see poverty,
what you see doesn't move you because you know beyond a shadow of a
doubt that God will indeed bless the work of your hands, and you will
be the lender and not the borrower (Deut. 28:12)
Faith says, "If my circumstances
don't reflect God's Word, it just means God's not done
yet! I'm just going to keep standing until I receive the
Promise!" Why? Because there's no expiration date
on true faith!
When you are able to say...
"It does not matter what my
circumstances look like - Those circumstances don't change God's
promises to me. But, His promises to me can definitely change
my circumstances!"
That is the day you've truly learned
to "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not
on your own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5). That is the day
that you will finally begin your own personal walk of VICTORY!
Copyright 2008 www.hem-of-his-garment-bible-study.org
Please do NOT use without permission.
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