![]() Kris Williams: Victorious Living Bible Study Leader |
you have a love for writing or wisdom to share? Want to be a part of what God is doing online? Host your own Online Bible study here at The Hem! |
This form is what Kris, your Bible Study Leader, uses to submit your lessons.
To participate in the discussion, you'll be given a separate form after each Bible lesson. We look forward to reading your thoughts there.
Your Bible study lessons are below. As you read each lesson, think about how they apply to your own life.
Share your thoughts and comments using the comment forms below each study.
How Deep Are Your Roots?
We had some stormy weather last night. We had lots of gusty wind that sent loose branches into the streets. It was a decent storm, but nothing spectacular, …
Victory in Jesus
From whom do you draw your identity?
Are you flying high when the boss says "great job!", only to crash and burn when your spouse tells you that you …
Be Still
Oh my goodness!
Do you ever find yourself in a whirlwind like I have been these past few weeks???
I have one child playing basketball and another who …
Fear: Satan's Trump Card
Last time we met, I ended the lesson saying that our next topic to discuss would be fear.
God�s word does not promise us that we will not face circumstances …
I remember....and I choose to forgive you anyway
I heard something on the radio that stuck with me. The DJs were talking about things people had posted to their FB page. One lady asked how she was supposed …
Headed for the ditch?
Many years have passed since I took Driver's Ed...and I don't think I paid much attention anyway. There is, however, one specific thing that my Driver's …
Stand Against The Devil!
Stand Against The Devil: You Don't Have to Take that!
Daddy or Mommy told us "don't put up with this or that" or "Don't stand for that". We …
A Centurion's Faith
A Centurion's Faith
There is a kind of faith that makes the Almighty God say; "I'm impressed!" And as we all know, when God gets the glory and the …
He's Closer than You think!
There isn't ONE part of your life that God doesn't know about or is directly involved in. He is so awesome that He KNOWS when a sparrow falls to the ground. …
Count the Little Things as Victory
There’s a commercial advertising the employment section of a major East coast newspaper where a parrot keeps repeating…”I can’t take this…I can’t take …
Victory is OURS!
How should today's Christian live "in Victory"? What should we do to win the many battles we will face against the enemy?
Is it even possible to …
Making Choices Not rated yet
In Sunday School, we have been going over the Lord’s Prayer found in Matthew 6: 9-13.
“Therefore, you should pray like this:
Our Father in heaven,
Your …
Making Choices Not rated yet
In Sunday School, we have been going over the Lord’s Prayer found in Matthew 6: 9-13.
“Therefore, you should pray like this:
Our Father in heaven,
Your …
Gather Together Not rated yet
Welcome Back and Happy Summer to you!
Thank you for visiting with me each month. As I looked back over the topics we have covered, I noticed one very …
I Resolve... Not rated yet
My inbox is full of e-mails with subjects like “10 Resolutions you MUST make this year” and “the ONE resolution you are sure to keep”. I have also …
Do you trrust Him? Not rated yet
Last month we talked about the futility of “Forgive and Forget” and the possibility of a new phrase; “I remember and I choose to forgive you anyway.”
Facing the Hurricane Not rated yet
Last month we talked about being caught in the storms of life and what we should do to survive those storms. Keeping Christ as our focus during the trials …
Starts Within!