by Stella
(Covington, KY)
1. This is so important because God let us know that NO MATTER what trials & tribulations we go through here on this earth, all we need to do is TRUST and BELIEVE in HIM and He will see us through. I also know for sure that there couldn't be a testimony without a test. He is saying that as long we choose to abide in HIM that there is nothing that HE can do or bring us through at the end that will allowed us to do nothing but REJOICE and share what kind of GOD that we served.
2. Yes, I had found myself asking God "WHY" about a trial when I was facing in my life when my brother, father, daddy(step-father), and mother all passed away within 7 years unexpected (1999-2006) especially when my mother passed after just having a 15 minute conversation with her; since I was the only girl in the family I was very well protected and spoiled by them all--yet I kept asking God WHY?...the experience then allowed me to do nothing but TURN TO GOD..yes people thought I would turn to the streets (drugs, pills, alcohol) yet I kept on praying and praying and getting a closer relationship with GOD because I knew that HE was the only one that GOD see me through this whole tribulations that I was facing in my life, yet I kept on asking God WHY then I realized that God was telling me that "You must TRUST, LEAN, and BELIEVE in me, I can be your PROTECTOR, PROVIDER, and whatever else you need from your family.
Ameerah, I just want to say THANKS for sharing this Bible Study with me and I definitely have to give GOD ALL of the HONOR, PRAISE, and GLORY. You and your family will be in my PRAYERS!!