THANK YOU! c2-head***


by Sherri

Dear Ameerah:

I truly and sincerely thank Our Heavenly Father for the ministry He has blessed you with. Because your website and the Bible studies are offered with such love and excellence, God has to get The glory, because you can see His hand all in it. You mentioned that you work hard to improve your bible studies website. Well it shows that you work very hard, you and your staff with a whole lot of prayer.

I am so blessed, inspired and encouraged everytime I enter your website.

I ask you , Ameerah, that you would pray for me. I have such a desire to become all that God has called me to become with a spirit of excellence. But I am so over whelmed. Sometimes it seems hard for me to see my way. I am a wife, a mother,a worship leader, a student, and a professional. It is my desire that the will of Our Father is done in my life that I made please Him.

Do you have any advice that can help me to accomplish the above goals?

Once again I Thank for the ministry that He has given you. And thank you for your love for His people.

God bless you!

Love you in Christ,


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Thank you for your kind words
by: Ameerah

Hi Sherri,

Thank you so much for those kind words about the website. Since I am a 1-woman-show, I God has blessed me to have the freedom to be totally transparent with His people and just share His heart. I feel truly blessed for the opportunity!

You asked how you could continue to go deeper in your walk with God and be even more pleasing to Him.

The first key to that is making the time to spend time in His presence. Time in prayer and time alone in worship. Those are the two times that God really is able to mold you and shape you.

Many Christians do not realize how precious and vital their time alone with the Lord really is. We get so distracted with the world and all of its demands that the still small voice of the Lord calling us to commune with Him can be drowned out.

But, even if our minds forget we need out time with Him, our spirits do not. They long for more of Him, and we begin to feel a silent ache within ourselves.

Your time with God does not have to be an hour long every single day. Start out with just committing 5 minutes with Him each morning before you start your day or each night before you go to sleep. The more you do it, you will naturally begin to stay in His presence longer without having to force yourself to do it.

I also have another recommendation. June 2nd through the 5th, I am hosting a totally free Christian conference online. I have dynamic Christians from all across the country that have agreed to share their godly wisdom absolutely free, so I am able to provide it to you all for free as well.

I would really recommend that you keep an eye out for the details of how to register. If you are not already a VIP (Vessel in Pursuit), you can sign up for free, and I'll keep you updated on the details of the conference.

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