Sunday Morning Miracle c2-head***

Sunday Morning Miracle

by Dian Ramsey
(Morganton, NC)

Hello, boys and girls. Today I would like to share a story about when we are afraid and how God looks after us and takes care of us when we are afraid. This story actually happened to me and my dog Gretchin. She is an Australian shepherd that I got from the animal shelter in my town.

I have a little dog named Gretchin who I got from the animal shelter. She had been treated very badly and was very afraid of anyone and anything. I had just lost my dog Gracie Maye . I had built her a nice lot and saw that she had lots of toys. After Gracie had died I went to the animal shelter to look for another dog. There were lots of dogs there, but I did not see the one for me. As I was leaving, I noticed this poor dog lying there on her tummy, not moving much and would only follow you with her eyes. She seemed so afraid. I held out my hand to touch her and she just shut her eyes like she thought I was going to hit her. I talked to her and patted her on the head, but she still was very frightened. The people there said that she had been treated very badly.

I went home, but I could not get this little frightened dog off my mind. I went back a few days later and she was still there. I asked to spend some time with her to see if we could get along. They had to drag her back to the room because she was so afraid. I sat down there in a chair and reached out my hands to touch her and she leaped up onto my lap and began to lick me and wrapped her little arms around my neck as though to hug me. I spent time with her and I knew immediately that she was the dog for me. I asked when I could possibly have her. They said that they would have to get her shots and have her spayed. They gave me a date. I came back and they said that she was not ready to be taken. They set another date and when I came back this time I was able to take her home. She could not get out of there fast enough.

After I got her home, I spent a lot of time with her feeding her and playing with her. She soon realized that I was not going to hurt her or treat her the way that she had been treated before. We became the best of friends.

One night there came a very bad storm and I was not there to be with her and comfort her, because I had to work. I had to spend some time at work in the morning after my shift. The wind had blown very hard and this had scarred her very much. I went out to feed her and be with her before I had to go in and sleep so that I could work that night. I heard someone knocking at my door that afternoon. I got out of bed and my neighbor told me that Gretchin had run away from home and had almost gotten hit by a car. I got on some clothes and ran out the door to find her. She was going down the railroad track and I started following her and calling to her. She would stop and turn and look at me, but then she would continue down the tracks.

I had to go to work so I went back home and got ready for work. I wondered all night if she was alright or if something might happen to her. The next morning I searched for her and this went on for several days. That Sunday morning, I was reading my Bible as I do each day and I began to pray. I ask God to protect Gretchin and to bring her back home to me because I loved her so much. After I had finished my prayer, I began to cry for her. I was worried that she would get hurt or something worse.

As I began to get ready for church, something told me to go to the back door and look out. I did and do you know who was standing there looking at me? You’re right, it was Gretchin. She was tired and hungry and was so glad to see me. I brought her into the house and sat down and held her close to me in my lap and loved on her and then fed her something to eat and drink. I did not scold her, but took her in my arms and held her tight. Even though Gretchin is not a person, she is still one of God’s creations. God knew the pain in my heart from not having her close to me. He also knew that she was lost, lonely and needed to be with someone that would care for her.

This is what God will do for you when you are alone, scarred or away from people who love you. He will take care of you and see that you have what you need. God knew that my heart was hurting. He knew that Gretchin was lonely and hungry.

Joshua 1:9 NIV states, ‘Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.’ This tells me boys and girls that no matter where we are God is always there and will protect us and take care of us even though we cannot see Him.

Psalm 56:3-4 NIV states, ‘when I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust: I will not be afraid.’ This tells me that no matter where I am or what has happened to me that because I trust in God I will not be afraid.

God loves you boys and girls and He wants you to always trust in him no matter what has happened. God will take care of us and show us the way to go, even in our most frightening times.

God will take us back into His arms and love us and accept us no matter what, even if we have done something that is not good. He forgives us and will always love us. I could have scolded Gretchin, but I didn’t. God does the same for us.

Our Closing Prayer

Here is a prayer that you might pray when you are afraid or alone.

Dear God, I am afraid and alone. I know that you are there and will help me. I need you right now to help me. Thank you for helping me and taking care of me. Amen.

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Sep 30, 2010
The scariest thing that happened to me.

One time when I was with my brother I got hurt by him. When I got hurt, it wasn't kickin or hitting or anything like that...he choked me. When I experienced getting choked by him everything went black and I couldn't feel a thing. I couldn't believe that my own big brother would do something like that to me. I was staring at something and then when I closed my eyes I didn't even know that I passed out. After that I told my Mom and Dad when I woke up and when I did I told them that he choked me and that I passed out,but when I told my parents that, they didn't listen to the second part when I said I passed out. I was very sad and upset that my own big brother who is supposed to be a role model did a terrible thing like that to me. I also can't believe he has friends that like him and they don't even know that he is a bad person and choked me. It may just be that he is nice around them, but I still think when my brother comes home he should be nicer than ever because he had a good time with his friends. This was all a long time ago, but I still remember it til this day. One time at school I also got choked at school and I just think about God and pray and he will save me when I need help.
My Mom still gave him a big punishment, so I would feel better and I did. Thank goodness big brother doesn't live with us anymore, but we will still pray for him.

Jun 04, 2010
He is teaching me daily!
by: Anonymous

He is teaching me to trust Him as well Dian. He really cares a lot about His boys and girls. Thanks for this post!

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