Seeking God
by Ameerah
(Cincinnati, Ohio)
Ameerah's Commitment to God
My commitment is to make seeking God the highest priority in my life.
This year, I've decided that I'm only going to make one "New Year's Resolution"
* Make spending time seeking God a priority.*
God promises us, "I love those who love me, and those who seek me early and diligently shall find me." (Prov. 6:17 AMP).
So, I'm making the commitment right back to Him: I will seek Him early and seek Him digently (meaning consistently, without giving up).
There are three main ways that we, as God's children can put our faith into action and seek Him.
1. Through prayer: Prayer is simply talking with AND listening to God. Like in any relationship, open communication is vital to our developing intimacy with the Lord. I'm committing to consistancy in my communication with God or, what I call living a Lifestyle of Prayer. One way that I will live this out is through starting off my day writing in my prayer journal.
2. Through Worship: God tells us that He inhabits the praises of His people. There is no better way to expeience an intimate encounter with God than through hearfelt worship. Making spending private worship time a priority will truly open me up to connect with God in a special way. I will live this out by taking more little "praise breaks" throughout my day, and keeping worship music playing more as I work, clean, etc.
3. Through emersing myself in His promises: Many of us make New Year's resolutions to read through the Bible in a year, and I do want to do that this year. But, I'm not just talking about reading it, but delving into each promise until it changes me from within. I'm committing to allowing myself to linger on each passage as long as the Spirit says linger, and not just rushing through so I can check "Bible Study" off of the day's to-do list.
So, those are my commitments to God. What are your's?