Seek Ye First... c2-head***

Seek Ye First...

by Valerie Murray
(Madison, IN USA)

In our Bible Study, Seek Ye First, We talked about the importance of spending time alone with God. We also went over some tips that we can all use in our daily lives to help us to connect with God more often.

Here is Valerie's thoughts on the importance of Seeking God First.

In reading this bible study alone, I sat back and really thought about how much time I was spending with God throughout my busy day. I realized I am not spending enough time with my Father. This bible study makes a Christian stop and think about how much "one on one" time you spend with God. I loved it because it really made me stop and think.

I want to begin everyday with the Lord. I want to fellowship with Him throughout my day. I want to fellowship with Him in the evening and when I go to bed. The only thing I want on my mind, in my heart and the depths of my soul is the Lord.

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