Relationships and past mistakes c2-head***

Relationships and past mistakes

Hello! I have a question that is not a bible question actually, but I was still hoping I could receive some good Christian insight onto something that is laying heavy on my heart lately. I am a born again Christian, and am saving myself for marriage, however I have made the mistake in the past of participating in "foreplay" with someone I have dated. I have asked the Lord for forgiveness in this area of my life because at the time I was not actively living in the word and I know it was not honoring to God. I am now in a relationship with a wonderful Christian man who is also saving himself for marriage, and actually has not even kissed a girl yet (which I think is wonderful!) This man knows I am a virgin but does not know I have done foreplay in the past. He is aware that I have kissed other men. My question is, should I feel obligated to confide in him my sexual past? If so do I need to go into the actual details? My mother who is also born again explained to me that as long as I have repented, my past is between God and I and I should not feel obligated to do so. Feeling pretty convicted about this I was hoping for some other Christian opinions. Thank you for your help!!

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