Reconnecting With God
by Anonymous
Mary Sitting At Jesus' Feet
An excellent question about reconnecting with God:
I am a single mother who is going through my second divorce. I was saved when my oldest son (now 12) was just over a year old. I was so on fire for our Lord. I loved Christ with my whole heart.
I wanted the Godly Home - I read all the right books, said my prayers, fasted, read my Bible, and attended church. I wanted a heart like Mary's and not just to serve like Martha. But, now I have no idea what has happened to me.
I can't, or maybe I won't go to church. I don't know where to go. I want love and the baptist churches I go into are so full of judgment because I am divorced. I am afraid of raising my children anything other than baptist, but now I haven't even taken them this year and it's February.
I love the Lord. I want to come back and I want His blessing on my life. I want that joy and I want that peace and contentment.
Anyone know where I should start?