Reborn As God's Masterpiece...In Progress c2-head***

Reborn As God's Masterpiece...In Progress

by Danielle

In our free Bible Lesson, "Reborn as God's Masterpiece...In Progress" we talked about the transformational power of God. Here is Danielle's answers to our reflection questions...

1. How does it feel to know that God's desire is to turn you into His very own masterpiece?
For someone who struggles with healing from sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, it is a very powerful feeling to know that God is turning me into his masterpiece. For so long, I felt that my body and my mind had no value, but day by day, God is changing that.

2. God says that you have been hidden in Him. What does that mean to you?
Being hidden in Christ means that I am safe from the stress and strain of the outside world. It doesn't mean that I will never encounter problems, but that through him I have a way to always deal with them.

Want to complete this lesson for yourself? You'll find this free Bible Study on Colossians 3 here!

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