Problems Or Pearls? c2-head***

Problems Or Pearls?

by Sophia Baker
(Tampa, FL )

Date of Entry: 08/19/08

About me: I am a 37 year old Christian Mother to a wonderful, smart and energetic 7 year old son, Jamil. I am in the process of starting my own Christian non profit organization, The Proverbs 31 Women Ministry. Women Encouraging Women. I love the Lord and strive to keep him first in my life. So that I can not only talk about Christ, but be a living walking example for other women.

Luke 18:27 "And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God."

Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord Bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face shine upon and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."

My thoughts:

Problems or Pearls?

The word of God teaches us that all we need is a faith the size of a mustard seed. Think about it the size of a mustard seed is very tiny and yet it can produce a very big tree. It depends on how you view your problems, they will be large or small according to whether you're thinking and your faith is large or small.

So when shift happens, what do you do?

Do you cry, fall apart, get on the phone and try to find someone to have a pity party with? 0r do you lean on God's word and believe that no matter what you are going through he will work it out for you.

Maturing from pain teaches us that our setbacks, disappointments and seeming obstacles can be perceived as blessings or lessons.

If one resists, complains and or perpetuates their pain, they perceive themselves as helpless powerless victims.

But a person that is spiritually grounded, surrounded with loving and God filled relationships and live in a nurturing environment will lean on God and cope with stress in a positive way.

So are the obstacles in your life problems or pearls?

Is the trial you going through a problem or a pearl? It depends on how you handle the hand you have been dealt, but no matter what you are going through be encouraged, that it’s a test of your commitment to your faith, to your self and most importantly to God.

Situation: A little boy was crossing the street on his way to school, when he was struck and killed by a drunk driver. He was an only child.

Mother #1 – falls apart, goes into a deep depression; she blames God for letting this happen to her son. She loses her job because she won't come out of the house. She is afraid to face the world. How can she go on with life after this has happened to her son?

Mother #2 – heart is heavy, she prays for the driver that killed her son. She realizes that children are a blessing from God and we are only parents to them while they are here on earth and they have to return to their Heavenly Father one day. She is encouraged that one day she will see her son again. Turns all her energy into forming a Christian organization that helps grieving parents, parents who have lost children to drunk drivers.

Pearl or problem? Same situation, two different women two different outlooks on the situation. Close your eyes and imagine this being your son, how would you handle the situation. Would you look at it as a problem or a pearl?

As Christians we should look at every situation as a pearl, a chance to prove your faith that nothing happens to you that God does not allow. The Christian walk is a test of our faith.

Questions it brought to my mind...

You might not see it now, but isn’t that what faith it? Believing the unseen, the unknown bless? The Positive Outcome? So when you are going through your test and trials, ask your self is it a problem or a pearl?

My closing prayer...
Dear God:
Please allow me to see every situation as a chance to prove my faith, to look at everything as a pearl and not a problem. To lean on you and not try to lean into my own understanding in every situation. I am going to praise you and thank you in advance before I feel better or things look better. I am thanking you right now, in advance for your continual blessings in my life. You are blessing me through every circumstance. I love you and adore you. Amen.


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Oct 07, 2008
by: Jacqueline

Hi Sophie
Thanks for your words of encouragement, the title alone did something to me, it made me change my way of thinking when situations arise.Only this morning I was remembering and incident that happened last week and in reading Psalm 106:40-42 I realise that God allows trouble to come to help us,to humble us,to wean us,to vitalise our prayers,to experience His faithfulness, to make us more dependent on Him so that we can submit to His purpose for our lives and to make us more compassionate to others in trouble.
Thank you again for your words of encouragement.

Oct 06, 2008
Walk in His Wisdom
by: Mary Hutchinson

Thank you, my sister, for reaching out to those who are grieved and hurting. Being a Christian Counselor myself, also having experienced the loss of a mate of 25 years understand the plight of the grieved. May God bless your endeavors. Your article was an excellent one that serves a dual purpose; knowledge for some and reminders to others.

May God's richest blessings be yours in abundance.

Oct 06, 2008
Walk in His Wisdom
by: Mary Hutchinson

Thank you, my sister, for reaching out to those who are grieved and hurting. Being a Christian Counselor myself, also having experienced the loss of a mate of 25 years understand the plight of the grieved. May God bless your endeavors. Your article was an excellent one that serves a dual purpose; knowledge for some and reminders to others.

May God's richest blessings be yours in abundance.

Oct 03, 2008
by: Michelle @ NMCC

Love your devotional! It definetly gives a different perspective on problems and issues. It all depends on how you see them!

Oct 03, 2008
by: Anonymous

Hi Sophia,

This was an awesome article. I am so glad it was chosen for publication and I got the chance to read it. I am not sure if you know, but I tried to commit suicide in February so I related ona very oersonal level with what you were talking about here. At the time I was in a place very far removed from where I was normally; I couldn't see the forest for the trees. I have sent reasserted my belief system and am leaning on God more heavily than ever before. I also know that He allowed me to go through that tribulation in order to be a lesson and a blessing to others.

Thank you for including me in the invitation to read your article. I have printed a copy to keep and also sent the link to others for them to receive the blessing that you so generously shared.

May God bless you always.

Oct 03, 2008
Excellent word!
by: Kimberly Clinton (NMCC)

Hi Sophia,

This is beautiful. I am so glad you shared this with everyone. I know with the call God has on your life and your obedient spirit to walk in His will, this is just the beginning of something great. Keep the faith and be encouraged.

I love you and Jamil :)
Sweet Blessings,
Mrs. Clinton

Oct 03, 2008
Thank You
by: Faye Harris

I'd like to thank the author of this article. Thank you for reminding us that God is in charge. Good or bad, it's a blessing from him. I'd like to think that if something this tragic happens in my life, I will recognize and be reassured that it's the Lord's will. It's my prayer that I will respond to all situations the way the second mother did. I can only do that by growing and developing a closer relationship with God.

Thank you and may God bless you.

Oct 03, 2008
Let Your Light So Shine
by: Ka Tina

After reading your article I was reminded of a song that says, "Walk in His holy light let others see Jesus in you. Living each day by His holy word let others see Jesus in you." Sophia I said that to say this. Keep at what you are doing because I know if I can see Jesus in you others can too.

Be Blessed!

Oct 03, 2008
by: Anonymous


Oct 03, 2008
Problems or Pearls?
by: Tameka

My Sister in Christ,

Let me start with your title. What a awesome title.The entire page look very good and your points were indeed on point. Continue to let God use you, and whom better to be used by, my sister. Always put God first and everything else will fall into line.

Be Blessed,


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