by Ronnie
I am asking everyone to please continue praying with me for the salvation of my wife, my strength and faith to be boosted, and restoration of my marriage. I really need the strength of my Lord Jesus and the shoulders of my fellow standers to lean on right now. I have not seen my wife in 3 months as of tomorrow and things look all but impossible. Although I find myself down I am not out.
I offer my tears and prayers to the Lord and await His pending miracles and hope that they come soon.
The Bible says that God hates divorce and so do I. My wife Tina and I are separated now but no matter how impossible things look I will not let satan claim my marriage.
I am praying that God continues to talk to Tina. That she is hearing His voice and responding to it.
satan can go to hell but I refuse to let him take my wife and marriage with him.
Please join me in prayer as I fight for my wife and our family.
Comments for Prayer Request: Please continue to pray for my marriage