by Mom Miriam
Please help pray for financial support for my son, Jose Mari (JM) and his fiance, Angelika, who are currently part of a worldwide Christian mission movement from HI/OH, USA.
Let us lift them up to the Lord, in Jesus' name, that He may touch and lead former classmates, friends or family members being asked, toward sharing resources for reaching out to the unsaved, either on a monthly basis or on a one-time give.
Please also help pray relationship blessing over JM and Angge as they prepare to be married this year, to share God's yoke together for life.
Finally, please also cover me and my younger son (Josef Mark) in prayer, so that we may be protected by God's hand from the Enemy's workings of hostile professional envy/jealousies at the workplace, that we may labor in peace and perform well by God's grace, and keep secure tenure of our employments until retirement age.
Praise God and thanks to you. -- Mom Miriam/Philippines
Comments for Prayer Request: Missionary Support and Protection for Widow/Orphan