Prayer Request: Miracles
by John
(Marshfield, Ma)
(as the holy spirit leads)
The Holy spirit's clear leading, guidance, spiritual connection, miracles(jn 2:1-12, num, acts 12:5, 12; 16:25-26),
Faith(heb 3)
wisdom(2 cor 1:12),
discernment(heb 2:12; 5:14),
strength(phil 4:13),
endurance(col 1:11, eph 3:16),
safety(ps 91),
help(mt 9:38, acts 13:2-3),
wisdom, counsel, people to direct.
Close and open necessary doors, miracles, faithfulness provide needed. Lord stay by side, flame burns. Hedge protection dwell in mind and heart, peace, multiple blessings, encouragement, envelop in His arms, His will be done. Almighty and powerful God would remove scales,veil be lifted.
(Ps 23, 92; 127; 142, job 5:18, james 5:17-18, Acts 4:29-30; 5:12-17, phil 2:25-30, num 6:25,gen 25, john 7:8; 15:12, 1 & 2 & 3 John, heb's, rom's, 1 cor 13, gal 5:1; 5:23, 2 cor 3:14-18; 5:7, rev 3:8)