Prayer Request: healing cancer
Please pray for healing for George here on earth:
That his tumor in the windpipe will dissolved and that he will be able to receive treatment that will heal him so he can breathe and will not suffocate. Healing that tumors in right luns and left will be removed dissolved completely that he and I can pursue life together with Christ as our center in our relationship. The Dr says 3mo to a year and that it will suffocate him. He has had 3 cancers in 3 years.
I was a widow 2001 and I am praying for healing and time and good future with George as my new husband. Pray that his will is strong for healing that he believes and has strong faith in God's promises and wants to remain strong in Christ.
Help him to gain weight and breath freely. That God restores his lungs and makes them new again.
Please Lord grant us Your favor and mercy in this situation. In the Name Of Jesus Amen!