by Ellie
(New York)
Ameerah first off I have missed you and have thought and prayed for you... ((HUGS)) Hmm I don't have my answers right now because girl I am too busy wiping my tears :) But Happy tears and all I could say was YES,YES and YES because that pain you felt I have had to feel it and to me I KNOW it was a blessing I now know that without that pain and letting myself be so open I wouldn't have EVER let our Lord in as I have.. So I praise his Name and thank him each day for allowing me to be Anjelique's mother...As you know she pased @ the age of 2 1/2 mths old to SIDS in 2006 and I swear from the moment she returned to our Lord I felt him although at the moment I did not know it was him but here I am saying my Lord my baby she's not breathing and that horrible night everything that had to go on but through it all I heard that VOICE and I KNOW it had to be God cause just like YOU I KNOW I would HAVE NEVER EVER said it.. I heard its OK... It will be OK... at first I thought it was me saying she will be ok she's gonna be ok but the part of me saying well she really isn't here how is she gonna be ok.. Praise God.. and I know to whoever is reading this they might say HUH.. BUT Ameerah I BET you know what I am saying PRAISE be his name... It was then that only a day later I fell to my knees and cried out and was giving praise to him.. HMMM NEVER in my life did I ever want or do that.. but it wasn't me... it was him in me his love for me.. His love for me the love he has for all of us its amazes me each moment and yes I can be doing anything through the day and I get this overwhelming feeling and I just have to cry but not sad tears just the joy inside is so much..and I know that with every hardship and trail we go through if we hold on JUST HOLD on to him he will PULL you out and your eyes will open up even the wider..This year has been so so hard but I have been holding on and no matter what we have been through I just pray..I tell my children all the time just pray God Listens you may think not but he listens to us... I can not tell you again how happy I am to see you.. Love you Sister... truly... (((HUGS))) :)
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