On Faith and Miracles... c2-head***

On Faith and Miracles...

by Shelley Tucker
(Ns Canada)

This may sound trivial to some, but to me, it was huge. When my daughter was two, she became sick with the flu. It was bad. She was vomiting and had horrible diarrhea and fever.She was just laying there for about three or four days. Our family doctor told us if she didn't begin to improve overnight, she'd have to be hospitalized for dehydration. I was very young in my faith at that time, but I had friends and family who were 'seasoned' Christians. I began to receive phone calls from a lot of them, telling me they heard that Amber was ill, and that they would pray for her. The next morning, Amber had much more than improved, it was like she had never been sick. She was energetic and full of color, and was happily doing her 'chore'...washing the bathroom sink! I knew then and there that God really does work miracles..he really DOES listen to His children.

About a year ago, my youngest son, Jeremy, was struck by a car while skateboarding. All the way to the hospital (a 3 1/2 hour drive) I prayed, "Please God let him be alright." I called everyone I could to ask them to pray for him. But, when I got to the hospital, he was already gone. At that time my faith was shaken to the core. I began to doubt that God really listens to us. I began to even doubt His existence. It was quite a struggle for a while. But, being a little stronger in my faith, I slowly began to realize how wrong I was. I realized this was a major test, and I thought about how easy it is to believe in God and have faith when things are going relatively easy in our lives. But having faith in the face of great adversity, is a great show of faith. I still don't understand why God chose to take my child from me. But I have faith that he knew what he was doing. And I know that someday, we'll be together again.

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