My wife has left me - please pray for immediate reconciliation c2-head***

My wife has left me - please pray for immediate reconciliation

by Anonymous

Please pray for my wife. She has left me.

1.) Please pray that the strongholds in both our lives will be pulled down forever, and that every thought in us will be held captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ. That God will change our pattern of thinking to the thinking process of the Holy Spirit.

2.) That God will replace these strongholds that have been pulled down forever with the fullness of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, the Mind of Christ, the Will of God – forever – and a burning desire in both our hearts and minds and actions to reconcile and to be in love with each other. That there would be genuine change in my wife and myself that would bring about a marriage filled with love, support, and peace, joy, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, goodness, and self-control - forever.

3.) That God will bind the enemies and the powers of darkness, the world, and sin that are against our marriage and our immediate reconciliation, and that these enemies of God would to be cast out completely away from us forever, AND that God would loose the spirit of immediate reconciliation to come forth into our hearts, wills, minds, and actions – with peace, love, and harmony.

4.) That both our hearts, minds, wills, actions, spirits, and feelings will immediately pursue reconciliation, and be flooded with peace, love, and agreement as we do this.
5.) That my wife will see the truth, embrace the truth, and walk in the truth and in the light and that the truth will set her free – free to reconcile and be in love with me. Let this be true for me too.

6.) That we will fall in love again with each other, greater than we have ever had.

Thank you.

Comments for My wife has left me - please pray for immediate reconciliation

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There is hope! NEW
by: Anonymous

“Dear Lord, please guide this special sister/brother during the trouble in her/his marriage. And her/his ears shall hear a word behind her/him saying, this is the way, walk here, when she/he turns to her/his right and when she/he turns to her/his left (see Isa. 30:21).

“Please reassure her/him when she/he sees a thousand fall on her/his right side and ten thousand at her/his left; help her/him to know that if she/he follows You, it will not happen to her/him (see Ps. 91:7). Hide her/him under your protective wings.

“Help her/him to find the narrow path that will lead her/his to life, the abundant life you have for her/him and for her/his family. Lord, I pray for a testimony that you can use for Your glory when this troubled or broken marriage is healed and restored! We will give You all the honor and the glory. Amen.”

Pray for my wife to return NEW
by: Anonymous

Please pray for my wife Heather as she has run into the arms and home of another man. I do not want a divorce but she continues to live in sin and deception while refusing to listen to the word of God. I pray for The Lord to dismantle this affair and show her the light, truth and the way

Pray for my wife to return NEW
by: Anonymous

Please pray for my wife Heather as she has run into the arms and home of another man. I do not want a divorce but she continues to live in sin and deception while refusing to listen to the word of God. I pray for The Lord to dismantle this affair and show her the light, truth and the way

Pray for my wife to return NEW
by: Anonymous

Please pray for my wife Heather as she has run into the arms and home of another man. I do not want a divorce but she continues to live in sin and deception while refusing to listen to the word of God. I pray for The Lord to dismantle this affair and show her the light, truth and the way

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