My Plate may be full, but is God on it? c2-head***

My Plate may be full, but is God on it?

After listening to this class, I was blessed and convicted. Even though I've known to make God a priority in my life, knowing and doing is two different things. What really got me to thinking was when Ameerah said: "Satan uses business as a distraction from God." That is so true, another thing Ameerah said: "through being so busy, my life will become hectic, and because of so much going on, and the lack of time I give to God, I won't have the power over my circumstances." Good and true statement. These things have been going on. I love how Ameerah has great insight on this. Another things she said that was awesome was that we often will say: "I'll wait til things calm down" how many times have I said that!!! Oh my goodness, it was like Ameerah was in my head. The only thing I would ask is that if on the next class, Could you mention the scriptures you come from so I can look at them while you are reading them. For example you came from a scripture that paul said I count all things as...I can't remember the rest, so i had to do a search. This was a timely class, thanks so much ameerah for emailing this to me, I love your ministry and I pray for you and your family daily.

Ps. Do you know how pleasant it was to hear the baby in the background! :) I have children too and it was wonderful, as a mother of 3 it gives me confirmation that you know the issues,trials, and circumstances we go through as mothers. God bless you and your family.

Natasha Houston

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