music c2-head***


I would like to find out whether it is wrong to still listen to music that is not christian based, but only because you still enjoy the rythim of the music.

Comments for music

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should i listen to this?
by: Anonymous

listening to that kind of music actually does effect the way you live without realizing it. youre putting that kind of music into your body if that makes sense. so when you listen to music about partying, sex, cursing, and etc its not helping your spirit to grow more in tune with God. always live your life asking yourself "what would Jesus do?" when Jesus was on earth and music like that exist that time he was here do you think he'd listen to music with songs that talk about drugs and unpleasing words like these? of course not! Live like Jesus would. Listening to music like that may not be considered a sin but listening to music like that may not help draw you closer to God. In the scriptures it says "be Holy because I am Holy" it also says to crave spiritual milk. Do what is good what you feel is right. Purify yourselves. Let the Lord speak into your heart, ask him Lord is what I'm listening to right? He'll convict you and tell you. always listen for his voice, ask him to help you better understand what he's trying to tell you and he'll answer.

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