by Anonymous
This Bible study notebook chronicles a marriage Bible study on unconditional love.
Date of Entry:27th February 2008
Scripture(s):" My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"
Hosea 4 vs 6(a) (KJV)
My thoughts...
Knowledge is power.... Have you ever heard that saying? When a person does not know any better they cannot do any better. To get knowledge you have to seek it, it's there for all of us but we must want it in order to have the power that it gives us.
In the book of Hosea, God told Hosea to marry a woman who was a prostitute and throughout the marriage she was blatantly in adultery! Can you imagine being told by GOD to love an adulterous person! The obedient servant and prophet of the LORD obeyed, but his friends and family must have ridiculed him and thought that he was such a fool.
Hosea took his marriage covenant so seriously that he did not divorce his adulterous wife. Instead he loved her back to him. He loved her unconditionally. The Lord used Hosea and Gomer to show how his chosen people had forsaken him and worshiped other Gods and how through it all He still LOVED them and He forgave them and never broke His covenant with them.
In this day of microwave solutions to all our problems we don't take the time to obtain knowledge and power to fight for the things that the devil is taking away from us. He starts with one person, that one person affects one family, each individual in that family has been deceived by the devil and his quick fix schemes to destroy the world one individual at a time, one marriage at a time, one family at a time, one neighborhood at a time, one community at a time, leaves a domino effect on what GOD sanctified from the beginning
of time.
The one source of our knowledge that will guide us in all our trials and tribulations is usually the source that we look to last. God wants the union of marriage to be forever, 'until death do us part'. When you give up on a spouse, someone that is your one flesh mate, you basically give up on yourself and you give up on GOD and the power that He has to do the impossible.
How will you not perish from a "lack of knowledge?" Read God's words, learn from the people who went through the things that we go through everyday as Christians, the ones who succeeded in their endeavors are usually the ones who were obedient, as was Hosea. Give yourself the powerful advantage over Satan and get Knowledge.
"For wisdom will enter your heart,and knowledge will fill you with joy." Proverbs 2:10
Questions it brought to my mind...
Is your love walk with your mate one of unconditional love? Would you do as God instructed Hosea and marry and remain with an adulterous person? Prayer can change situations but if placed in that predicament how would you react?
My closing prayer...
Heavenly Father, as I seek to know You above all and to love You above all, may You bless me with the knowledge that I need, so that I may not perish but that I may become a powerful weapon to be used by You in this harsh world, in the name of your son Jesus, Amen.
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