Lack of Family Support
by Francis
(North West Britain)
My wife has been sick for five years and I, her husband, has been her fulltime carer all along, living on state aid. Her parents have just come into a lot of money from the sale of their house and they wanted to pay for our gas bills in winter. That's all!
In the meantime, they look down on my being out of work and think their daughter is looking for attention. This makes me very angry and have emailed them many times on how little we seem to have in common; more out of a sense of pleading than revenge I would say.
I don't know if I am being selfish and proud. I just think of Christ's command that we should "visit" the sick and be compassionate; when someone doesn't do this especially one's own mother and father who seem to live on an entirely different planet, I find it shocking and leaves me bewildered.
It would be nice if you can tell me how I am not being a Christian; because I want to pray and follow God. I even want to be merciful and totally understand her parent's right to their lives and to a happy retirement.
But. . . stop!!! I need to find God in this and in the many times I feel they don't seem to care. Maybe I just feel desperate!
Thank you for your article (though be careful of the sin of vanity!!!) Francis