JAMES 1 Bible Study c2-head***

JAMES 1 Bible Study

by Grace

Date of Entry: 4-29-08

Scriptures: James 1:5-8

As I read the sharing of a sister how she gains wisdom from God, I feel sad as I have been praying for God's wisdom for a long time. Sometimes off and on and now everyday. But to my great dismay, I found that I am always making blunders after blunders and someone will say ask for God's wisdom. I know God never fails. How can I really get His wisdom in my everyday life , in all that I say and do?

My thoughts...

No thoughts, but just grief that I am not walking in a way that pleases my Father

My closing prayer...
My heavenly Father, you know I love you. I want to walk with you. I need your wisdom in life's complicated matters. I seem to fall prey to its trap. Deliver me my Abba and help me walk in your ways without stumbling. I make this prayer in Jesus' name. Thank you

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