Is homosexuality a sin? c2-head***

Is homosexuality a sin?

by Love jejus

Please help me,

I am from S.korea, and I am having a painful time of fearness and depression which once made me think of commiting suicide.

Since my dad's death when I was 13yrs old or from ealier years of my youth, I started realizing that I like older men, which means I am gay and like chubby older men who can give me comforts and consoles, and loves. But in my country, korea which is one of the most conservative countries in this world when it comes to homosexuality, I had not been able to become what I wanted to be. And I sure believed that god would love me as who I am. I did finally start admitting myself being gay and some relationship as of my age, 24.

With a luck, I lived in Australia and the states, and traveled over the world. Through the years in those open countries gay, I have certianly tried to find my love of life ;while I was to never interested in just sex. But I got my heart broken, many times through relationships and last year I thought finally met love of my life in the states. But a month ago, I started afraiding of HIV infection that I had never thought of, and I started being so scared, could not sleep over the days. And I came back to korea, but I was so bad with fears and depression. I had HIV test, and I was negative, but since those scary days, I have become so obssesed with thought that what if I become real crazy, and what if it is sin from a god becuase of my bad life. Here in korea, I was desperate, needed helps, so I had to tell my family that what has happened to me, and they think my gay life has drawn me up to this far bad-off. Meanwhile, my lover in the states has tried to help me in anyways he can from the states, and will come to korea to see me after a week. But My family wants me to stop meeting him, but I love him and he loves me. I just want to know what god wants me to do, for which I keep praying, reading all kind of christian books to get healing. I feel so much guilty between my love and family, and both cares about me a great deal.

I feel a little fear even now because I write this here, what if this is not what god wants me to do,,,,,,,,,,,

I am sorry, my story looks so confusing,,,,and sorry for my poor english. But I just don't have anybody to share here in korea as I realized that most people here whom I talked with is just against homosexuality.

Do I have to give up being gay? and if I have to, how can I do it? what about my pure love?,,,,,just so confused,,,,

I offered so selfish prayer, I prayed to god that if what I am doing is not right, please don't make me get our of my mind, crazy mentally,,,,,please just take me to heaven,,,please before I do something bad to myself by satan's attack.

Please help me through this,,,,,

thank you for reading all this,,,,,god bless you.

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The issue of homosexuality is a huge challenge in this generation.All humans are sexual beings.The continuity and sustainability of the human race is through sex.The body of a man is a perfect sexual fit to that of a woman.Not another man.

If homosexuality is normal like the world is preaching today, the bestiality is normal.If we begin to accept both in ourselves and in other every sexual desire the controls us then we have become like the bible puts it creatures of instinct ruled by our passions.We can as well ask whether it is normal to be sexually attracted to our own kids.Because I had cases of people who say that they are in love with their children.Not every attraction or what we call love is Godly.No matter how strong it is.The world may grant sexual liberation.The right of an individual to express themselves sexually they way it pleases them.But the conscience of anyone practicing any form of sexual perversion will always be a bother.People may say you are ok.But there is a law in every human heart that speaks louder than any man-made-law.
My dear friend, follow your own heart, listen to it and not the way you feel about this guy you say you love.Does your heart condemn you?
That is speaking generally, I have written a book on this issue.It will soon be out and on the net.Watch out for it.
What lies beyond the passion,the feeling of love towards another man, or for a woman, another woman? I'm truly abnormal?Just what is wrong with Homosexuality?The answer is all in the book.
But until then, homosexuality is not of God.Those who must worship the God of creation, Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ can not accept homosexuality an a normal phenomenon.
We must once again, begin to look in the eyes of all these vices and speak liberation and freedom to all who have been bound by Darkness irrespective of how they manifest themselves or how many people seems controlled by Darkness.JESUS CAME TO SET THE CAPTIVES FREE.If we accept our sinfulness and our helplessness and turn to the LIBERATOR, JESUS CHRIST, He will free us.Pray a simply prayer, tell the Lord Jesus how you feel about the other man, quote the scriptures that say it is wrong, tell Him you want to be free.Refuse to justify the feelings and the sincerity of your love for the man.Just ask him to liberation you from the grip of the spirit behind homosexuality.Just as we turn to Him by faith for other things and trust Him to answer us, trust Him to answer even this prayer.Yes he loves you just as He loved us all even while we were yet sinners.

I sincerely pray that God will open your heart to receive this in good faith.Remember God is the One leading you to Himself.I pray you open your heart completely to HIM who loves you most and truly find freedom.

What is Sin?
by: Davida

In the UK we drive on the left side of the road. This is a law set in place by the Government.

If you choose to ignore this and drive up the right side of the road. The results will be fatal, and you may end up dying.

In the same way there are laws that God has put in place when he was creating the universe. These laws apply even if we choose to work with them or not.

Let's take the law of gravity. Try jumping from the top of a 12 Storey building. Would you be breaking the law or not?

You probably would not be breaking the law of the land; but you will be breaking a law of Nature, a law God put in place, and the result for you will be fatal.

Even when the Devil told Jesus to jump from the top of the mountain, Jesus' response was:

"It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"

Sin is simply operating, or using a thing contrary to the created purpose, contrary to how it has been designed to be used.

Let's take a look at how a man's body was designed. It seems to me that it was designed to be a perfect fit to how a woman's body was designed. The fruitful result of the union of a man and woman goes to prove this - they have a child.

I guess anyone can ask the same question as it relates to men. Is a man's body designed as a perfect fit for another man? And what is the fruit of this union? If the answer is yes, then every thing is okay.

But, if the answer is no, then a man that uses his body in a sexual act with another man is doing so contrary to the law of nature. He is breaking Nature's law. He is breaking the law of God's created order. This is what is called sin.

And when something or someone is functioning contrary to its or their design, there are always results or consequences. In this case negative results or consequences, and as stated in spiritual terms is death. The wages of sin is death... Romans 6:23

I hope this helps give a bit of clarity to your situation.


by: pastor adebayo precious

it is clear in the bible about the subject matter, God is not happy to a gay or homosexual and that was why God said that: let every man get his woman and vise- visa that was the reason God created us in Male and Female. therefore it is a sin to God and humanity because law of the land made by human hate it also

The Tough Answer
by: Ameerah

I know that this is not an easy answer to hear, but these feelings that you are feeling for this man are not from God.

I've given a more in-depth answer to your question here. You'll find my answer at the bottom of the page.

I hope that it helps you understand why you are having these feelings and helps you draw closer to God in your search for the "you" that you were truly created to be.

God Bless!

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