The Hem's FREE Video Online Bible Classes
Helping YOU
Develop Intimacy With God!
W-O-W! I am being
refreshed through your
teachings Ameerah. I love
the way you break the word down so anybody can really understand it.
I am just so filled up, and that is what I am praying. For God to fill
all the places in me with Himself so that all I do and say will truly
Honor Him." ~
Sister Pat
Do you feel the call to
begin developing true intimacy with God? If you feel the need
to really connect with your Heavenly Father, there is really only one
way to do it. He promises:
shall seek me, and
find me,
ye shall search for
me with all your heart."
~Jeremiah 29:13
God wants to be found by you! But, YOU have to truly seek if
you ever want to truly find. And
that is what The Hem's ministry is here for - to
provide FREE online Bible classes for hungry Christians like you.

Ameerah Lewis
Course Instructor
To help you
reach out
and connect with God through His
And you can begin your journey to developing the intimacy with God that
your heart is
thirsting for right NOW.
God's Voice
How to Hear the Voice of God in Your Daily Life
Ever feel like you're walking through life's journey all alone? Do you
long to hear the voice of your Heavenly Father speaking to you?
Directing you? Guiding you?
Discover how to truly hear from God! Learn how to
identify barriers that have stood in the way of your hearing
and recognizing God's voice. And how you can finally break through!
God is Always Speaking...Discover how
to recognize His voice in your daily life!
Controlling YOUR
To Renewing Your Mind and Emotions

you try to fight off feelings of fear,
or anxiety,
but seem to always be on the loosing end of the battle?
out how to defend
your mind against the attacks of the enemy, and how a
simple 4 step Action
Plan can free you from the bondage of mental strongholds.
Past Hursts
Healing Through Christian Forgiveness

They say that time heals all wounds,
but are there
wounds from your past that just haven't quite gone away? When you hear
God's command to love your enemies, do you secretly wonder if some
things are really just unforgivable?
If you want to let go of your past hurts, but just can't seem to break
free from the pain, it may be because of hidden unforgiveness that you
don't even realize is still there.
In this course, you'll discover the true price of unforgiveness, and
how to finally break free from the bondage of past hurts.
Developing True Intimacy with God
Unashamed & Unafraid
Online Bible Class
Do you
long for true intimacy with God, but just can't figure out how to Connect?
Find out how to boldly approach the throne of God, without the shame of
your past or the fear of rejection.
Uncover the most common things that stop Christians from experiencing
the intimacy with God we're created for.
discover how to finally break
down the walls that have been separating
you from truly Connecting with your Heavenly
Daddy once and
for all.
Click here to watch videos from this free Bible class!
Spirit Controlled Life:
Bearing the Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Do you
feel God calling you to a deeper, more Spirit
controlled life? You know in your heart who God created
you to be, but feel like you're always falling short?
Find out God's plan to exchange
your weaknesses for His strengths, and transform you into
the person He's called you to be through the Fruits of His Spirit.
Come and let
God replace your character with His own.

the Veil
In-Home Christian Fasting Retreat
Is there
something inside of you that is crying out for an intimate encounter
with your Heavenly Father? Do you long for a transformational
experience where you come face to face with your Creator and are NEVER
the same again?
Unleash the true purpose and power of totally submitting to God through
fasting. Discover how to connect with Him through Biblical meditation,
prayer journaling and practicing His presence.
*This is a workbook, prayer journal, and Daniel Fasting Guidee.Not a video course.
Are Other Students Saying?
"Ameerah, I must tell you that
I've already done three bible studies at your site and it has had a tremendous
impact on my relationship with God. May He bless you
greatly - more than you've ever hoped for!" -Hope
"God bless you Ameerah .. I just
want to say I thank God for you. Your ministry has blessed me
in many ways in getting
my relationship with God to many different levels. Thank
you for being obedient to the Spirit and May the Lord bless u and your
family!" - Evie
"It was just so refreshing to
hear the information presented with no fluff or fillers. Just
sound biblical teachings...May God continue to bless you and I pray
that your pure, biblical teachings reach the masses because I know
that restoration and wholeness is being ushered into peoples lives
through your teachings. I know that my "life" will never
be the same. May God continue to bless you my sister!
- Nan
*Above testimonies are excerpts from unsolicited letters of thanks.
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The Hem's free video classes?
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Your donation keeps the classes available and free for those who need them, when they need them most.