In every area of my life
by Stephanie
(Trinidad & Tobago, W.Indies)
Spiritually (Want to know the God I read about in the Bible; want to be all that He has called me to be):
-Studying, Meditating, believing, Applying His Word
-Spend time praying, praising and worshipping God.
-Faith in God:Studying and Meditating on the word until change comes.
-Memorising Scriptures.
Emotionally (Want to forget the pain of the past):
- Studying His Word until it brings complete healing in every area.
- Being disciplined in the areas of saving, spending, receiving and giving.
Acadamically (Completing my Accountancy studies which I started many years ago):
-Signing up for the classes and attending the classes, paying all oustanding subscription fees
No Gossiping, jealousy and works of the flesh:
- Studying His Word and applying it to my life.
Physically (Healing):
-Eating properly, exercising and also studying and applying His Words to my life.
Generally (To have the right people in my life):
-Work on my attitude with God's help so that I can attract the right people to come into my life.
* I am believing God for a husband in 2012: a man after God's heart , a man who is whole, fears God and has the qualities that Boaz had.Someone who will love me the way Christ loves the church.Someone who is stable financially, in good health, of a sound mind.