I am so satisfied with my Savior
by LaTrinda
(Greensboro, NC USA)

I am full. Thank you God for your word that has been delivered on this evening. Your teaching is clear and precise leaving no room for confusion or wondering.
This has been one of the best hours I have experienced. I am grateful to God for directing me to this ministry. He is always right on time. He always knows what is best for our lives. I feel as if I am intoxicated.
This lesson is a true compliment to the beginning of my day. Early this morning I heard a song that said...I am so satisfied with my Savior. I had to run out earlier and I prayed that God would let me get back home in time to participate in the lesson.
Thank you Lord; Thank you Sister Ameerah. Be good to yourself; for it will surely bless others.
All my love to God and to you, until next time, LaTrinda
Testimonial From The School of the Spirit's Free Reaching For The Hem Christian Tele-Classes