In our society, these are things that are not only undervalued, but typically seen as weaknesses.
But, in the Beatitudes, Jesus includes both humility and meekness in His description of a mature Christian. We learned in Lesson 1 that each of these character traits comes with a promise – True happiness and contentment.
So, let's find out how to develop meekness
and humility in your life.
Now, we would all like to be inheritors of the Kingdom of heaven. But who want to be poor in spirit?
What does it mean anyways - Poverty stricken? Depressed?
No. It means neither.
The Amplified translation of the Bible describes Christians who are poor in spirit as “the humble, who rate themselves insignificant” (Matthew 5:3 –AMP).
Uh oh. This is definitely not what the world teaches!
Most people in our society have forgotten how to be humble. They have begun to rate themselves, their needs, and their feelings, as more significant than anyone else’s. In fact, for many, their lives literally revolve around them.
Someone hurt their feelings. Their problem is because someone else failed them. People don’t treat them fairly.
They develop a total victim mentality because they think everyone owes them something. Those who do not meet their needs are obviously the ones who are wrong – It could not be them.
Stand in a long checkout line or wait in a crowded restaurant, and the fact that most people do not know how to be humble will become painfully clear. The needs, feelings, or problems of those around them are of no significance. They want what they want.
And they want it now!
He will step in and clothe you in true honor, instead of this world’s empty pride.
Our society has created an "every man for himself" and "me first" mentality. But, do you still esteem others greater than yourself (Philippians 2:3). Or have you too bought in to the idea that your own wellbeing is more important than everyone else’s.
Ask God to show you how to be humble, so
that He Himself can exalt you.
Meekness is not something that our world understands. In fact, when I looked up meek in the world’s dictionary it gave me definitions like not having spirit or courage. But, being meek actually takes a lot more courage than you would think.
The Amplified further explains a meek Christian as someone who is “mild, patient, (and) long-suffering” (Matthew 5:5 –AMP)
It means you are full of patience and peace. You have peace in the midst of your patience because you know that God is always working on your behalf. In situations where others would simply erupt, you maintain your cool.
You are never quick to retaliate or try to get even. When people
offend, or in some way wrong a mature Christian, they pray for God to
forgive the offender.
Why should you pray for the people that hurt you? Because they have no clue who they are messing with. They don’t know that they have just come against a child of the Living God!
Out of the love that God has put in your heart, pray for their salvation and protection. They are going to need it.
How do you react when people wrong you? Do you throw a pity party, lash out, or even think up ways to teach them what happens when people mistreat you? Allow your Father to vindicate you, and you will find happiness and peace in your circumstance.
How To Be Humble and MeekReflection Questions1. Were the definitions of humble and meek that you wrote last lesson accurate? Would you add anything to them/take anything away? 2. Have you already mastered how to be humble, or are you sometimes guilty of putting your own desires and feelings above everyone else's? If so, pray now and ask God to work on your heart in that area. 3. How do you usually react when someone wrongs you? If it is not with meekness, what are some ways that you can start to respond God's way? 4. Were you shocked by anything you learned today. If so, take a second to write down what you learned so that you will not forget it. |
A large part of how to be humble and meek is learning how to forgive. But, before you can forgive others, you have to truly receive the forgiveness that God has for you in Christ Jesus.
Learn how to see yourself as Jesus describes in the Beatitudes - "Pure in heart".
1: Jesus
paints a picture of spiritual maturity Lesson 2: The power in humility and meekness Lesson 3: Receiving God's Forgiveness Lesson 4: Learning How to Forgive Lesson 5: Final Keys to Christian Spiritual Growth |