by Kimberlee
My fiance left for boot camp end of June and I had a lot of issues when he left. Our son had a seizure and I began to dislike his existence because I had to handle it alone. I slept with two people while he was gone. One of those people beat me up. Told me I wasn't good for anything and was a whore. My fiance stayed. Offered forgiveness and unconditional love. I was humbled beyond belief. However now there is a lot of damage. On both parts. The emotional and physical wounds I have and the betrayal and emotional wounds he has... There is a lot to bring into our marriage. We are getting married 09/28/13. Just eleven days. And we are bringing a lot into a new marriage with a military life and baby. How do we begin the healing process and hinder from further damaging one another as we try to clean up our mess? What do we do now?