Healing for Depression
by Vivien
(Las Vegas, Nevada)
Does Jesus provide healing for depression? In our Bible study on Christian depression we discussed the truth about the root of depression and God's answer to a problem far too many of His children struggle with. Here is Vivien's response.
1. During your war on Christian depression, have you ever wondered where God was? Why or why not?Sometime I think that God is the creator, and he has the power to do anything he wants, then why is it that he will not change my situation? That is when I think that God is punishing me, and I feel like running away from God instead of getting close to him. I don't wonder where God was, but I know that God is everywhere. I was just mad at him and wanted nothing to do with him for punishing me.
2. What does it mean to you to know that depression is under the curse, and that you are redeemed from it?The truth about Jesus dying on the cross to redeem me from the curse of depression means a lot to me because it makes me think about the love that he has for me for taking the hard way out. He gave His all and all for me. He did not spare even His own Son whom He said, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." God loves His Son Jesus, but He gave Him up to save us sinners who deserve to die, now that is true love. I can truly say that Jesus loves us to death. I love God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit!!!!!! Yes, it means everything to me to know that God has redeemed us from the cures of sins and death.
3. What does the scripture "the joy of the Lord is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10) mean to you?I know that the strength that God provides is perfect, and He will give us everything that we need for this life and for the life to come. I am so thankful that God wants us to live in joy which is the fruit of the Spirit of God that lives within me. I ,now, realize that God is in me with the strength of joy which is His Spirit.
My Prayer
I thank you Lord for your strength of joy, or your Holy Spirit which you had given to me to live this life and the life to come. I pray that you will help me to walk in your Spirit so that I can have the strength of your Spirit which is joy. Thanks again Lord!!! I Love You, and want to live a life pleasing to you. So, please help me to know you through more of your word which is the truth that will set me free.
In Jesus name, amen.