Healing Bible Study
Lesson 1: Jesus Saves

When He (Jesus)went ashore and saw a great throng of people, He had compassion (pity and deep sympathy) for them and cured their sick.
~Matt 14:14 (AMP)

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We are going to start off this Christian Healing Bible Study Course with something that may seem a bit basic.

Jesus Saves!

I know. This has almost become a cliché. In fact, for many of us, we hear the word saved so often, that it has lost its true meaning.

Does it merely mean that your sins have been forgiven?

Thankfully, it means so much more!

The original Hebrew word used to describe what Jesus went to the cross to do for you meant much more than just keeping you out of hell. He went "to save (you), that is, deliver or protect (literally or figuratively): - heal, preserve, … (make) whole" (Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries).

Could you use any of the things in that list?

“Um, Excuse me. I’ll take some wholeness please. With a side of healing and a little divine protection. Thanks!”

Could it really be that easy?

Then Why Hasn't God Healed Me Yet?

Like many Christians in need of a healing touch from the Lord, I thought for so long that if I were somehow stronger or a better Christian, I would have been restored. "I must not have enough faith." I would think, as I sat in self-condemnation. "If I had more faith, God would have rescued me by now."

Have you ever felt that way? Well, I have good news for you.

Healing is a free gift available to all Christians.

healing Bible study - Bible- it is finishedGod is interested in every aspect of your life. Your pain touches Him and His compassion is kindled towards you. That is why He sent Jesus to be the answer to all of your problems-To save you.

Sometimes it may not feel like God feels what you are going though. But, He does. He is not only hurt by your pains and distresses, but He is moved to action.

When He (Jesus)went ashore and saw a great throng of people,
He had compassion (pity and deep sympathy) for them
and cured their sick.-Matt 14:14 (AMP)

If you have not yet prayed for your healing, take the time to do it now. In your own words, pray and ask God to restore you and make you whole. Ask the Holy Spirit to be your counselor and your comforter as you travel your healing journey, and to give you wisdom. In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.

Healing Bible Study Lesson 1:
Jesus Saves

Reflection Questions

1. Have you ever doubted that God would heal you? Why or why not?

2. Did you know all that the word saved really meant? Are there parts of being saved that you have not yet received? If so which ones?

Understanding that Jesus not only went to the cross for your salvation, but your healing is a vital step in your restoration. The next step will take place in Lesson 2 of your Healing and Wholeness Foundational Bible study. You must establish in your heart that Jesus is still healing today.

Healing & Wholeness Foundational Bible Study
Lesson 1: Jesus Saves
Lesson 2: Is Jesus Healing today?
Lesson 3: Bible Healing Scriptures: The Power of God’s Word

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