Good Mental Health c2-head***

Good Mental Health

by Anonymous

Dear Jesus,
Please pray for me to overcome my panic attacks. They can be crippling & I want to be free of them, not tremble in fear everyday.

Thank you, Jesus, in whom all things are possible, for listening to me.


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Prayers from the state of Georgia
by: Sandy

"Love the Lord with all your heart, lean not into your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight".......these are comforting words that I too fall back on. When you find yourself being attacked by Satan, RUN..don't the throne of God. In Him there is safety and reassurance. When we commit lives to Christ, we become His children. As a child of the Almighty God, what do we have to fear? When our Heavenly Father has his strong loving arms around us, who can hurt us? Satan would try to make you think you're all alone in this but you are not. You have all your brothers and sisters in Christ right there beside you. I pray you read this and take it to heart.

Blessings, Grace, and Peace

by: ohiohillbilly

you can find comfort in these words from the bible, GOD has given us words for this; try to commit them to memory and use them aloud when this happens; GODS WORD is a powerful tool for us.

proverbs 3:24,25 and 26. please look them up. i was going to write them but felt you needed to act. this way it will mean more to you. also romans 8:15. we are able to cry out ABBA FATHER!THIS IS AN INTIMATE NAME USED ONLY BY MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY!AS BELIEVERS WE ARE placed by THE HOLY SPIRIT AS SONS INTO GODS FAMILY!!use this privilege! cry ABBA FATHER and as the psalm says HE WILL COVER YOU WITH HIS FEATHERES!! look in your strongs( if you do not have one they usually have one at the library) they run 19 dollars and are worth every penny!) or use the concordance in the back of your bible and look for verses dealing with fear and comfort. panic attacks are a serious thing and can also simulate heart attacks, they render you unable to act or think as GOD shows us and this is a very real weapon of the enemy!! GOD bless you and i know in my heart HE is able to deliver you. use HIS word, it is a weapon against the enemy! REMEMBER the enemy cannot stay where GOD is so sing , speak shout the WORD! PRAISE GOD! I WILL FEAR NO EVIL FOR THOU ART WITH ME!! PSALM 23

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