God's Will c2-head***

God's Will

by denise quinn
(st.louis mo)

Ameerah your testimony and your honest experience of your grief and your love for God is really displayed in this lesson or discussion.

I am reminded of how we pray for the Lords will and not our will be done often all we mean is Lord do it my way and I will continue to love and do your will.

We struggle when Gods ways are not ours. Your description of your little girl going home to be with the Lord where there is no pain or struggle anymore reminded me of when my parents both died two months and two days apart and I just knew after my father past God would not certainly take my mom and like you i just knew that no matter what the doctors said my mom would survive.

I was a new believer and thought my sheer desire would move the hand of God and i had not factored in that my mom had a will and she was tired of struggling on this earth with sickness, chest pains, and agony of disappointments on this earth.

I have learned that every prayer is an answered prayer just not always the answers we are looking for, his grace is sufficient for us His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Truly greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.

His word says let the weak say that I am strong. We are strong in the power and might of the Lord.

I learned that Gods will, will be done on earth as it is in heaven. God love me so much that He gave me Jesus and saw fit to save me from a life of sin and death and i love him so much that in return i will give Him my life of service and evangelism to give others the reason for the hope that i have,.


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comments to Pat
by: Anonymous

thanks Pat for the complement God truly is greater than our circumstance andd nothing is too hard for him. We must consistently and confidently trust HIM through and for all things with the love of Christ denise

God's Will
by: Pat

Hello Denise
I truly enjoyed your encouraging post!! Have a wonderful week.
Love in Christ Pat

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