Gods grace c2-head***

Gods grace

by Lucy

Grace grace Gods grace
2Cor 12:7-10
As a single lady in my late 40's this word speaks to me so loudly and has kept me waiting and strong in my singlehood.I don't know whom am speaking to but Gods grace is sufficent to take you through words thrown to you by friends and plessure from relatives plus the enemy satan temptations to go for plan B and have a child as a single mother since you are advanced in age.How old was Sarah and Elizabeth when they gave birth?Do you believe or think God has changed He is the same today yesterday and for ever he changes not.I urge us then sisters remembering the mercies of God to offer our bodies as living sacrifice dedicated and acceptable to God that is the kind of worship for us as sensible people.Let's not model our behaviour on the contemporary world but let the renewing of our minds transform us so that we may discern for ourselves what is the will of God-what is good and acceptable and mature.As we wait for Gods appointed time and spuose let's serve God with our giftings to proclaim the gospel of Christ.Join the choir or missions and other departments in your church where you can serve.May Gods grace abound in you

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