God Answers Prayer! c2-head***

God Answers Prayer!

by Renee Boone
(Asbury Park, NJ USA)

God really does answer prayer!
My name is Renee. I was praying today to be able to know God's voice and when to know if something in my life is sent from Him or not. That is whe I found this website. I was searching online for a woman's bible at the time.

The power of answered prayer is amazing.

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Afzal NEW
by: Anonymous

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by: Kd

I prayed over 5years ago for a mate and he came he was also everything I ask GOD for but we broke up, he said love was not enough so he moved out his house. So I started praying for my mate again, using power of a praying husband. Then the same gut came back. But this time I moved in with him and had two children. But then a woman spoke to me, she said I should love GOD more than I love this man so I told him I wanted to move out. He said fine and were going our separate ways. Other things were said but I ultimately heard him say I knew when u packed ur things and left he would have to get a ring. But when he finally talked with me after that he said he don't love me and we'll never be together again. Im so confused. I love him so much I just wanted to do right by GOD. But he's been married twice so he thinks I'm unstable. I want to pray for us to be together but he has already said he doesn't love me so that would be going against GOD's will for him to have free will?? I guess I s

keep praying
by: Anonymous

Hi renee, i too belive God answers prayer, because he has done it so many times before for me,but i still find myself praying for something and wondering(don't know why) but i prayed 2 1/2 years ago for God to send me a mate that he wanted and to give me the deserment to know this was the one he sent, i was also specific when asking and when i met this man he was everything that i ask god for, and we have been dating for 1 1/2 years we go to the same church and at the time we did't know that, so just stay prayerful and know that he will speak to you when you least expect it, no sometimes he will let us cry and go through things so we will continu to call on him, to let us become stronger where we will go and tell somebody else what he has done for us nad that if he did it for us he will do the same for them if they call upon him so keep praying.

unswers on healing
by: Anonymous

Please agree with me in prayers as I am waiting for God to manifestate his healing to me which I am watiing for 11 years. I was diagnosed with other sicknesses while I am awating for the manifestion for the other. Please < am in fear of death. Every time people talked about that tipe of deseass, I got afraid and develpt fear. I want God to show me his mercy. I prayed for healing, marrige, kids, happiness, but beliveing that God did it and praying for his Manifestation.

God bless you

Hi Renee
by: Harretta

You are so right, God does answer. I also was praying to know when it is God speaking to me and to know what's coming from him. I was looking to find a womans online bible study also and ran across this one. I believe we can encourage each other as woman to continue to grow stonger in God and to do the work he has for us to do. GOD BLESS

God does definitely answer prayer!
by: Ameerah

Hi Renee!

God definitely does answer prayer!

I think we all struggle with hearing God's voice and recognizing when something is really from Him. Those moments of confirmation when we realize that He really is speaking with us and answering our prayers is so amazing!

I feel so blessed that God decided to use this site to be an answer to your prayers.

Thank you for sharing that!

God Bless!

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