Given A Second Chance c2-head***

Given A Second Chance

by Kaylin Cassity
(Ohio, USA)

Hi, my name is Kaylin and about a year and a half ago I was diagnosed with kidney failure. I had never had any signs of any health problems before in my life. I was shocked when I went to the hospital that day and my kidneys were only working at 4%. I was only 18 years old. I was a student in college and that was the last thing on my mind. Was my time on this earth finished? I was so unsure. I was saved a little over a year before all of this happened. I just decided that I was just going to let the Lord decide my future. If he wanted to take me home, I was ready to go. I lost a lot of weight, was sick once in a while, but for the most part I lived a normal life. I took 4 hours of dialysis a day, 3 times a week and took classes on top of that. I found out not long after that dialysis wasn't reversing my kidney failure and that I would have to have a transplant. For most people it takes years to find a donor and to get the transplant underway, but I found 3 near perfect matches in just 3 months. Seven months after I was diagnosed I had my transplant. My aunt is a born-again Christian as well and she prayed that if my body was going to accept the kidney, to let it work. (Some transplant patients have to wait years before their bodies accept their kidneys!) Sure enough, God had his hand on me once again, because as soon as my surgeon connected my last artery to my new kidney, it began to work! This is just one of many blessings the Lord has given me in my life. It has been a little over a year now since my transplant-PRAISE GOD! But still continue to pray for me as I will for all of you!

Isaiah 40:31
God Bless!

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Great Post NEW
by: Anonymous

Great work,its a nice content. It generates for me lots of pleasure and interest. Awesome job and keep on sharing.thanks for this post please share more post like this.

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by: Alissa Lynne

AWESOME TESTIMONY!! God is so good and so thankful to know that He has healed you and worked it all out - giving ALL praise to the Lord for His mighty healing power...

I am a survivor of cancer three times so I know the routine of dealing with the body and health - just so awesome to hear this wonderful news...

God bless and Merry Christmas to you!!!

Glory to God
by: Anonymous

Praise God for all his goodness.What an extraordinary testimony.

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