Forgiving the Unforgivable? c2-head***

Forgiving the Unforgivable?

by Ameerah Lewis
(@ The Hem)

I was thinking about the idea of forgiving the unforgivable, and was wondering what your thoughts were.

With all of the things going on in the world, somethings people do just seem unthinkable. But, is there really a way to forgive the unforgivable.

God tells us to
"love your enemies,bless them that curse you,
do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you
- Matthew 5:44

But, is there anything someone could do that would make them unforgivable and just plain old unlovalbe?

Have you ever struggled with forgiving something someone did to you? If so, how did you get over it?

Thanks in advance for sharing!

God Bless!

Comments for Forgiving the Unforgivable?

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Aug 03, 2009
by: Madelein

It would be hard to forgive the unforgiven if you do not have the love of God in your life. I have recently forgiven someone for constantly lying and stealing from me, it happened over and over, then about two weeks ago evrything came out at once I found out he was doing things that I did not believe he would. I was very much depressed and I prayed earnestly to God to tell me what I must do, He told me to forgive, I asked Him to help me and He did he made it so easy but without His love I doubt I would have been able to.

Aug 20, 2008
To forgive the unforgivable??? YES!
by: Tilli

I have submitted my healing in this area in a lesson. God set me free! Three steps to Loving and forgiving from the Heart. A journey in my own life from hidden disobedience to obedience.

I pray it will be a release to others!

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