Fear Bible Study Reflection Questions c2-head***

Fear Bible Study Reflection Questions

Have you ever struggled with the spirit of fear? Here's one Believer's response to the reflection questions from our free Bible study on fear.

1. When you read that fear is a spirit, what does that mean to you?
it's a deadly poison that kills slowly. I really need to be delivered. I lost so much because of fear.

2. Think back over your Christian walk. Have you ever allowed fear to stop you from doing something great?
Fear has stop me from doing a lot of things.

3. When Jesus reached out His hand to save Peter, He asked him, "Why did you doubt me?" Why is that question so significant?
Jesus was right there, if he would have keep his focus on Him and not his surroundings..I think Jesus was saying to him there is no need to doubt I'm right here. I will never leave you nor forsake you. You can trust Me.

4. Before this fear bible study, have you ever thought of your hidden fears as being double minded? How do you think it makes your Heavenly Father feel when you have fear?
No,Hurt. It's like saying I don't trust my daddy...

Would you like to go through our free Bible Study on Fear for yourself? You can find it here!

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