Cleaning Confession.
by Steph Page
(Minneapolis, MN)
Sometimes my house is just a mess. Not just the pick up the toys, and books, and papers, and etc. off the floor kinda mess, but like the floors are dirty, the bathrooms are dirty, the kitchen is dirty.
Awhile back when I was having one of those days you know what happened? My dishwasher decided that it was going to take a vacation. It wasn't interested in actually cleaning the dishes. It would go through the cycle, but most of the dishes would still come out looking dirty.
Can you relate or am I the only one who feels like there are times when I am barely in control of my home?
What about our lives? Do you ever feel like you are just barely containing the mess in your life? In your heart? In your soul?
I think we can all agree that life is messy! BUT thankfully, God wants to take care of our messes- If we let him. He wants to be the cleaning lady.( Oh wouldn't that would be nice!)
"Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall." Psalm 55:2
"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."1 Peter 5:7
I hear you, your saying, "Steph, not only am I messy, I am not clean."
Maybe you feel like my dishes, you go through the cycle of asking God for forgiveness, but you come out not feeling clean, not feeling forgiven.
Can I encourage you today? That is a lie.
John 1:9 says,
"But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness."
I have to re wash my dishes, because unfortunately my dishwasher is not like God. And I have to clean my house because I do not have a maid.
But in your life, you don't have to waste your energy worrying or controlling or feeling shame.
The truth is that all you have to do is go to God, confess your sins, surrender that burden to him and believe that when he says he will cleanse you- he really means it.
Remember today that,
"So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free." John 8:36
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