The Hem's Christian Ezine

FREE Reaching for the Hem Bundle & Christian Ezine Subscription!

You Don't Have to Wait for Someone Else's  Permission to Connect with Your God!

The Hem Devotional - Christian eZineWhere are you sitting right now? Whereever you are, God is sitting right there with you! You don't have to wait for someone else to usher you into that deeper place your soul is longing for - Revival Starts Within! So, Reach Out Today for The Hem of Jesus' Garment, and YOU WILL BE MADE WHOLE!

With your FREE Reaching for the Hem Bundle, you'll receive my free Christian ezine, The Hem Devotional, to insipre and encourage you as you press on in your daily journey into a closer walk with God.

You'll also recieve tons of other resources to help you strengthen your relationship with God, and further your spiritual walk...and all for free!  

Ameerah, I Really Need an Inner-Revival... Sign Me Up!

Here are just a few of the resources I want to send you...

1. Receive a Free Subscription to The Hem's  Christian eZine and Devotional!  
Not only will you receive encouraging articles and a Christian devotional to help you strengthen your spiritual walk. You will also be the first to know about special events and offers here at The Hem, and you'll be able to access all of our newest Bible Lessons right from your email!

Sometimes we can lose track of what's truly important. Think of this free Christian ezine as your little Godly ReminderChristian smiley free Christian ezine.

2. Get Over 4 Hours of Spirit Filled Teaching on How to Connect With God TOTALLY FREE!
The Hem's Christian Ezine - VIP Audio Series
As a special bonus gift for joining The Hem's VIP program, you'll receive our special Reaching For The Hem 4 Part VIP Audio Series!

Over 4 hours of Spirit Filled teaching on how to reach out and really connect with God.  Your free audio series includes:
  • Part 1: Reconnecting with Your First Love

    Uncover how to reconnect with God and rekindle the spiritual love affair that He desires for us to share with Him.  Prepare to discover the secrets to becoming a friend of God and begin developing the relationship with Him that He is calling you to!
  • Part 2:  Abba...Daddy: Your Key To Intimacy with God

    How do you really look at God? Do you think of Him as a rule maker and an authority figure? Or, is He a source of wisdom and guidance? Do you feel like He is proud of you, or disappointed in you?  Discover how your relationship with your earthly father can color the way that you see God, and hinder your spiritual walk.

  • Part 3: How To Develop Intimacy With God

    Do you long for more intimacy in your relationship with God? Discover specific steps that you can make to begin deepening the relationship that you share wih the Lord.  Find out how you can truly keep your faith in Him regardless of what life's circumstances may bring.

  • Part 4:  How To Really Make Time For God

    In the midst of this fast paced world that we live in, how can we really slow down and connect with God?  Discover practical ways that you can build more time for God into your daily life.  Find out the steps that you can take on a daily basis to develop the relationship with Him that you truly desire.
Ameerah, I want my FREE 4 hour teaching series!  Sign Me Up!

3. You'll Also Receive My free eBook - The State of Your Soul! 

Free Christian eBookI also want to send you a copy of my eBook "The State of Your Soul." It is a short "Special Report" detailing some of the pifalls of modern-day Christianity, and how you can overcome them. Here's a quick sneak peek from page one...

"Each day we wake up to a battle. A battle for our minds. A battle for our time and attention. A battle for our families and marriages. A battle for our physical and emotional health.
Each and every day, we wake up to a battle. The problem is...most of us don't even realize it."

This little eBook, is an eye opener! I want to send it to you because I believe it will bless your life!


Why Subscribe the The Hem's Christian Ezine & Get This Free Stuff?

Because...we all want a deeper relationship with God.  But, there are just so many things fighting for our attention.  That is why I want to offer you this special Reaching for The Hem Bundle for free -  The Hem's inspirational Christian ezine, the Reaching For The Hem 4 Part VIP Audio Series & "The State of Your Soul" eBook - I really believe that these free Christian resources can help usher you to The Hem of the Master's garment!

Don't let this world steal the joy and peace of the Lord from you...

Reach Out For The Hem of Your Master's Garment...

Revival Starts Within!
Pastor Ameerah Lewis - Founder and Teacehr

Are you ready for your own personal revival?

Be Empowered:

Listen in on my powerful class on How to truly CONNECT With God! Read your speical free eBook on overcoming the common pitfalls in Modern Christianity.

Be Inspired:
Allow God's Word to refresh you through The Reaching for the Hem eDevotional.

Let's Start a Holy Ghost Revolution!

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