Foundational Bible Study for Spiritual Growth:
Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. ~ Matthew 6:33

Bible study for spiritual growth worshiper

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There is much more to your Spiritual Growth than just reading and responding to scriptures. If you really want to grow in the Lord, you will have to make a commitment to yourself that you will seek Him-even when it is not convenient.

God loves you, and He wants more for you. But, God operates in covenants and promises. To receive a promise you read in the Word of God, you can't just know it. You have to meditate on it until it becomes a part of who you are.

BLESSED is the man who walks and
lives not in the counsel of the ungodly,
...But his delight and desire
are in the law of the Lord,
and on His law
(the precepts, the instructions,
the teachings of God
he habitually meditates
(ponders & studies)
by day and by night.

-Psalms 1:1,2 (Amplified)

Do you delight in the teachings and instructions of God? Do they bring you joy and peace as you think on them throughout the day? That is what happens when they become a part of you.

The Lord promises you:

I love those who love me,
and those who seek me early and diligently
shall find me.

-Proverbs 8:17 (Amplified)

It is only through making time to find Him daily that you will become the Christian you know you are pre-destined to be.

Now, I must warn you. There is a dangerous epidemic plaguing much of the Body of Christ today. It is called Spiritual Complacency. Don't let it infect you.

For some reason, as Christians, we get satisfied with where we are in God. We assume that since we have followed God for X number of years, we don't need a Bible study for Spiritual Growth. We are as spiritually mature as we are going to get.

Well, Beloved, I have exciting news for you. No matter where you are in the Lord,

...if from there you will seek
(inquire for and require as necessity)
the Lord your God,
you will find Him
if you [truly]seek Him
with all your heart [and mind] and soul and life.

-Deuteronomy 4:29 (Amplified)

Have you figured out that you do require more of God's presence as a necessity to a peaceful and fulfilling life? That is the whole basis of conducting a personalized Bible Study for Spiritual Growth, isn't it? So, lets go seek Him!

Quick Spiritual Growth Tips for The Busy Christian

You are God's Progress

As you travel through your own personal Spiritual Growth journey, remember that "...he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion."-Philippians 1:6 (NIV)

Jesus was perfect so you wouldn't have to be. Satan will try to make you feel condemned about where you are, but don't let him. God is still working and you are still seeking.

And God loves a seeker!

Bible Study for Spiritual Growth

Reflection Questions

1. How often do you take time out to spend alone with the Lord in prayer, personal worship time, or studying ?

2. Do you ever have a problem with perfectionism? If so, why? Pray and ask God to help you be at peace with where you are. Ask Him to guide you through the rest of the Bible Study for Spiritual Growth Courses.

Optional Activity: Select at least one of the Quick Tips that you will use this week. If you do not see one that would work for your situation, make up your own. Write yourself a reminder and put it somewhere memorable. Evaluate yourself at the end of the week. Were you consistent? Do you feel a closer connection to God? Did you notice any changes in yourself-More patience? More peace?

I pray that you have enjoyed your first Bible study for spiritual growth.

Your next step in in the Foundations Bible Study is to develop your understanding of who God really is. You will begin by exploring God's heart and His essence.

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