Being Bullied By Satan? c2-head***

Being Bullied By Satan?

by Roz

Are You Being Bullied By Satan?

God is pouring out his spirit upon ALL flesh. So if we are thirsty then He WILL fill us with His spirit.

I have been without the spirit of God and it was a miserable state to be in. I have since received this wonderful gift and now I can truly say that I have comfort. The comfort comes from knowing that I don't have to figure it out or work it out myself because He that is in me is greater than any situation that I come in contact with and I know that I can lean on Him and rely on His strength...that brings me so much comfort!!!

Thank you Jesus for dwelling inside of me!!!!!

The Holy Spirit reminds me of when we were little. There was always a bully picking with you. For some of us, we had an older sibling or friend that was just a little bigger than the bully. All it took was one appearance from that older, bigger sibling/friend and you had no more problems from that bully!!!!

That is exactly what the Holy Ghost is for us. That bigger, stronger, wiser, greater person that lives on the inside. He comes and over shadows us, so every time the devil has his nerve to try and bully us our Help steps in right on time and runs him away!!!!

He is available for us all right now!!!!
Just open up your heart and receive Him!!!

So today if you are being bullied by your thoughts, finances, past hurts, past mistakes or whatever the situation may be, let your Big Brother take care of your bully for you. He can handle whomever, whatever, whenever!!!!

God Bless,

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God is Good! NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you, I needed this. God Bless you!

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