Attending a Church Building Service c2-head***

Attending a Church Building Service

by Arthie Brown
(Corpus Christi, TX)

Hi Ameerah,

I am so glad I have found this website. I have retired from the military and presently live in Corpus Christi, Tx. I have been a member of various churches and I am not fulfilled. In a sense it is ran as a business. I get more out of the website and my intimacy with God is just growing, more than it did in an hour service. I don't have a problem with tithes and offering. I want to know if you think I am not being led by the Spirit to just eat all of the website, fellowship with my cyber body of Christ, and just send the tithes and offering to Hem of His Garment. The only reason I ended in Corpus is because right before I retired I was in Iraq, and my husband accepted a job here. Now he wants to move again....So pray and respond to me. I want The Hem of His Garment to be my church and just continue to grow in God more and more. 361-537-6177 if you need to call me, I am at work at 361-961-2631 if you need to speak to me.

My email here at work is I look forward to hearing from you.

Comments for Attending a Church Building Service

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Good post NEW
by: Claud Johnston

Hello! Many thanks for your site!
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Interesting Question
by: Ameerah

Hi Arthie,

This is such an interesting question. I really had to pause and pray and see what I felt in my heart. Of course, I am not a substitute for you praying for yourself and hearing what God is saying directly to you, but I will share what is on my heart regarding this matter.

I believe that we all go through different stages in our spiritual growth. Depending on the stage we are at and what God has for us, He may guide us to some "unconventional" ways of learning and growing in Him. Sometimes He needs to take us out of the "loud" church building so that He can get us by ourselves and really speak to us and work in us without all of the distractions that churches can sometimes bring.

But, I truly believe that, for most of us, this place of spiritual solitude is only for a time. I feel that, ultimately, there is a certain kind of fellowship and even pastoral counseling that we can receive best from a church family that is rooted in God's Word and filled with His Spirit.

Now, as you said, there are some churches out there that are more businesses than they are places of healing and growth. But, I believe that if you seek God and open your heart and mind, He can guide you to a church that is best for you when the time is right.

I believe that God has called The Hem's website and our School of the Spirit to be a place where those who want to go deeper in God can find a place of quiet to seek Him with their whole hearts. It is designed to be a compliment to a Bible teaching church, but not necessarily a replacement for one. It is especially helpful for those of us who feel that our churches are geared more towards helping baby Christians, and we can feel Him calling us to go deeper. That is where our website steps in and teaches God's people how to take things to the next level.

I know that I probably didn't really answer your question, but I can only say what God has put on my heart about the matter. I would say, pray and see if He is calling you to take this time apart with Him, and if He wants you to use The Hem to help you during this time. If so, then enjoy this time apart with the Lord and have peace that you are doing what you believe in your heart to be the right thing for you during this stage of your spiritual journey.

But, I do believe that eventually He will bring you to another church where you can continue to grow in Him even more. One that is hand picked for you by your Heavenly Father.

I hope I helped at least a little...

God Bless!

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