Alcohol c2-head***


by amanda

My name is mandy I'm 23 years old. I was raised in a Christian home. When I was 13 I was raped which lead to me drinking. At the time I couldn't see how God was even around when it happened. I got to where I would drink to hide the pain and to numb myself from what I felt. Well I realized that God was with me because i was still alive. I'm proud to give God the glory that I have learned forgiveness and I'm able to pray for my rapist. Praise God!!! My drinking got out of control. I drank all the time and a lot. I hardly took a sober breath, but praise an almighty God I will be sober 6 years in September. I gave my life back to God and asked him to take it and he did. I can't thank god enough for saving my life and soul

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