In This Issue:
From Ameerah's Heart to Yours
A short note to you
Monthly Devotional
Time For Some Spring Cleaning!
Guest Columnist Article
How to Get Out of a Rut - by Guest Columnist Daniel N. Brown
New At The Hem!
New Bible lessons and resources from The Hem
From Ameerah's Heart To Yours: A short note to you...
Greetings from The Hem!
Welcome to another issue of The Hem Devotional! I feel so blessed that you've invited me into your life to share the things God has shared with me with you.
If this is your first issue of The Hem, I 'd like to
say Welcome! I pray that this email and the free resources in
the Hem's VIP Corner
help you to keep your
eyes focused on Jesus, regardless of your outward circumstances.
I also have some great news: The Hem Devotional will
now be
bringing you special words of inspiration twice a month! In
addition to the full issue that you receive every 1st Wednesday, I'll
also be sending you a bit of godly inspiration on the 3rd
Wednesday. It won't be a full issue, just something to help
you get through the month!
I pray that your devotions are a blessing
to you, and that they become something that you look forward to!
If you have been thinking about starting the Becoming God's Masterpiece
Bible study program, now is definitely the time! Be one of the next 50 believers
to put a priority on your spiritual growth, and receive the entire 10
week Bible study workbook, plus the guided prayer journal, and the
scripture meditation cards for only $5.95.
I can only afford to offer this special price to the next 50 people to
order. On April 10th, the price will officially change to
$14.95, which I've been warned is still much too low for what the
entire program is really worth. Still, I have to go with my
But, if you have been waiting for the perfect time to start
revolutionizing your relationship with God, there is definitely no time
like the present! For the price of a McDonald's value meal,
you can Become
God's Masterpiece.
Don't miss this
month's Christian Inspiration Video of the month!
Discover the one secret that can totally transform
Christian marriage. Find out how doing one simple thing on a
daily basis won't just safeguard your marriage, but your entire family.
it out in the VIP Corner!
Well, depending on where you live in this great big world, you may
be seeing signs of Spring time. There's a tradition in many
of the world called "Spring Cleaning." It's a designated time
where you go through your home and clean, clean, clean.
In this issue of
The Hem Devotional, we aren't going to talk about spring
cleaning our houses, but our lives.
God Bless,

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Devotional: Let's Do
Some Spring Cleaning!
Any branch in Me
that does not bear fruit [that stops bearing] He cuts away (trims off,
takes away); and He cleanses
and repeatedly prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit,
to make it bear more and richer and more excellent fruit. -John
15:2-3 (AMP)
As I look out my window, I'm beginning to see s few signs of Spring
Time. The days are getting longer, and I even heard a bird
singing its praises to God when I woke up this morning - What a
beautiful sound!
For many people, spring time brings with it one of my least favorite
traditions: Spring Cleaning - Oh My! That means scrubbing my
house from top to bottom. Walls. Windows, and
everything in between.
But, you know what my least favorite part of spring cleaning is?
Pulling out all of my old things, and deciding what items
have passed their prime.
Why is that so hard for me? Because, I have to
admit, I'm
a bit of a pack rat. And, sometimes, I have a hard time
letting go.
But, when I take an honest look around my house, it's obvious that
something has got to give! I know in the back of my mind that
there's just not
enough room to keep everything.
Have you ever felt that way about things in your daily life?
I know I have.
Sometimes, I take on so many different things that my life starts to
look a lot like my house - Cluttered!
But, God's will is not for your life to be cluttered. His
will is for you to have His peace and His joy - Two things that life's
clutter alway seems to crowd out.
I love the way Jesus explains it in John 15, "Any branch in Me that
does not bear fruit [ that
stops bearing] He cuts away."
Really, we have to look at our lives that way. We
have to stop and ask ourselves, what is really bearing fruit for the
Lord, and what isn't. If it isn't, we need God's help to cut
it away to make room for things that will bear fruit for Him.
You know, sometimes things that God gives us to do are a lot like
clothes - They're just seasonal. They're things that God has
given us to do only for a season, and then to let go. But,
many times we try to hang on to those things much longer than we were
ever intended.
Why? Maybe we have hidden fears
that if we stop doing them, we will disappoint someone or let someone
down. Maybe our self-worth has become so attached to that
activity that we are afraid of what will happen if we let it go.
But, Jesus says, "When you bear (produce) much fruit, My Father is
honored and glorified" (John 15:8 AMP). I know that you truly
want to glorify God. So, isn't it time to take an honest look
at what you do on a daily basis, and ask God if it is still
bearing good
Of course I am not saying go out tomorrow and ditch all of your
commitments (especially your marriage or other covenant commitments).
But, as a child of God, we all have to learn
to hear His voice guiding us towards His will for our lives.
It's when we are in His will that we truly bear good fruit for Him.
Just like the 7 year old clothes hanging in the back of my closet,
when we hold on to things God is calling us to let go of,
they take up space in our lives that He's already designated for
something fresh and new!
If you feel that God is calling you to de-clutter your life, pray and
tell your Heavenly Father that you are totally giving your
life over to Him today. Ask Him to show you what areas in
your life need a bit of Spring Cleaning. Then, ask for His
help in getting rid of anything in your life that isn't bearing good
fruit for
Scripture Memory Card
Print this scripture
memory card, and meditate on these words from God throughout
the month.
Allow His Word to renew your mind as you cleanse your life of
anything that does not bear good fruit for Him.
Lord, Help
Me To Cleanse My Life of Every Barren Place
THEREFORE, SINCE these [great] promises are ours, beloved, let
us cleanse ourselves from everything that contaminates and defiles body
and spirit, and bring [our] consecration to completeness in the
[reverential] fear of God.
-2 Corinthians 7:1 (AMP)
branch in Me that does not bear fruit [that stops bearing] He cuts away
(trims off, takes away); and He cleanses and repeatedly prunes every
branch that continues to bear fruit, to make it bear more and richer
and more excellent fruit. -John 15:2-3 (AMP)
...Jesus answered him, If I
wash thee not, thou hast no part with me. Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord,
not my feet only, but also my hands and my head. -John
a Living Sacrifice
you longing for more of God's Holy Spirit in your life? The Becoming
God's Masterpiece Bible Study Program guides you step-by-step into a
deeper more fulfilling relationship with God.
Time Offer :
Be one
of the Next 50
to Take The Plunge and Embark on this spiritual growth
journey for only
Receive the Bible
Workbook, the Guided Prayer Journal, Scripture
Meditation Cards, and an additional $32 in free Christian
eBooks that I hand picked to build on what you'll uncover in the course.
Columnist Article: How
to Get Out of a Rut
By Guest Columnist Daniel N. Brown
Do you feel like you are caught up in the same old routine day after
day and feel like you're getting nowhere? Do you feel like you are
capable of having more, doing more, and being more?
When we get the fact that God created us as human "beings" (not human
"doings"), we will begin to understand that we must "be" in order to
"do," and we must "do" in order to have.
The first step is to "be," and "being" involves change.
Unfortunately, most people hate change, and despise it with a passion.
But, life is always in the process of change. There is nothing in life
that is stagnant. We are either in the process of growth or in the
process of decay.
Look what happens to a fruit after it reaches it's ripest stage... it
Change is the only thing that is constant in life. It's always
happening, and we are either moving forward in life or we are moving
As things continue to change, we just have to accept this fact. And,
not only that, but prepare for it. This way, we will be ahead of the
curve instead of behind it.
If you truly want to enjoy an abundant and prosperous life you must
embrace change. Life is all about change and there is no escaping
Now, the reason most people hate change is because they are insecure
and do not trust themselves enough to handle it. But, God says, "Cast
your care on Me, for I care for you" (1 Peter 5:7). He holds all of our
tomorrows, and nothing in life can touch us, unless He allows it.
Change is good, and a person is the most happy when he or she is
working toward a goal. That’s why "success" is not a destination to be
reached. "Success" is the journey! And, along the journey there will
obviously be change.
Who really wants to experience a life without a challenge? Be honest,
how bored would you be with nothing to strive toward?
If the only difference between being in a rut and a being in grave is
the dirt in your face, then I want out of the rut!
God wants us to prosper! But we will not prosper sitting around fearing
the inevitable, which is “change.” It’s coming, so don't wait for it,
but go after it before it comes after you! Be ahead of the curve
instead of behind it. Expect change, and prepare for it. In fact,
desire it, and prosper.
Daniel N. Brown is an entrepreneur and teacher of biblical success
principles! Get his FREE Special Report, "Christian Prosperity Secrets"
when you sign up for his FREE E-letter...
Prayer Intercessors Needed!
The Prayer
Corner has
moved to the main Hem of His Garment Bible Studies site! Now,
Christians in need of prayer can
submit their prayer requests and receive prayer and
encouragement from Christians all around the world. But, the
need for intercessors in The Hem's new Prayer Corner is great.
Please take the time to visit The Prayer Corner and offer prayer and
encouragement to those of us in need.
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