In This Mini-Issue!
From Ameerah's Heart to
Your Key to
Intimacy with God
May's Monthly Meditations
you printed this month's Scripture meditation card?
Connect With God
Light, A poem by Ameerah Lewis
Ameerah's Heart To Yours:
You Key to Intimacy with God...
Hi Everyone!
Welcome to May's mini-
issue of The Hem Devotional!
If you read the May
7th issue of The Hem, you may remember that our
theme this month is developing intimacy with God, and learning how to
truly commune with Him.
I picked that theme because it is at the heart of most emails that I
receive from Christians who visit The Hem, and was the central plea
from those of you registered for the free Reaching
for the Hem
Conference -
I want to love God more deeply.
I want to know Him more intimately.
I want to feel worthy to be in His presence.
I want to know His voice and will for my life.
If those words reveal the true desires of your heart, I want you to
find great joy in knowing that you are on the right track.
God promises:
from there you will seek
(inquire for and
require as necessity)
the Lord your God,
you will find Him
if you
[truly]seek Him
with all your
heart [and mind] and soul and life.
(Deuteronomy 4:29 AMP)
So, what is the key to intimacy with God? The same thing that
is the key to building any relationship - Diligent consistent effort.
If we want to develop intimacy with God, we have to make a conscious
and consistent decision to seek Him with every ounce of our being.
You see, He is already reaching out to us. But, we
in turn have to reach out to Him.
We have to "require as necessity" His presence in our lives.
We have to chase after it as if it were as vital to
our existence as the very air that we breathe - Because, in reality, it
is even more so.
The Psalmist said "As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so
panteth my soul after thee, O God" (Psalm 42:1). Reading that
forces us all to question, is my heart panting and thirsting
after the presence of the Lord?
Building any relationship is not easy. It takes time and
effort. To develop an intimate relationship with God, there are steps
that you
have to commit to taking on a daily basis to truly connect with Him.
you are committed to seeking God with all that you are,
and developing an intimate relationship with Him, I
would like to
invite you to join others of us who have made a decision to seek God
with our whole hearts at the free
Reaching for the Hem online Christian conference.
You can be a part of this Spirit filled event right from home, and each
session starts and stops on YOUR command.
the 200+ Christians who have already purposed in our hearts to enter
into the relationship with God that Jesus died to give us.
As we all recommit to our quest for more of God in our lives, I want to
share a short poem with you that I wrote a few years ago. I
never intended to share it with anyone but the Lord, since it is a love
poem to Him, but I feel that I should share it with you today as we all
reach out to connect and commune with our Heavenly Father.
God Bless,

Pass Along
Has The Hem Bible Studies and free eDevotional been a blessing to you?
Help someone you love Reach For The Hem of God's Garment! Send
them a copy of this eDevotional.
Scripture Memory Card
Have you been using this month's
meditations. If not, print this scripture
memory card, and meditate on these words from God throughout
the month.
Allow His Word to renew your mind
as you rediscover how to
truly connect with Him.
Lord, Help
Me To Commune With You Each & Every Day
[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him
[that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted
with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding
the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly]
– Philippians 3:10a (AMP)
If you [really] love Me, you will keep (obey) My commands.
And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter
(Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby),
that He may remain with you forever. – John 14:15-16 (AMP) the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and
with all thy mind. -Matthew 22:36-38
Connecting With God: Christian
Inspiration and Motivation
Your Light
By Ameerah Lewis
I find it here
sitting in the Presence
of nothing less than
My God.
The gentle breeze of
Your Love
glides across my face.
Your warm Son
sheds light on places
I thought could never reflect
Your glory
Your love
Your peace
But they do
They reflect your Light
And now
Finally, my daunting darkness has been replaced
by Your loving Light
And it covers me
I thought You Light
would mock me…
Reveal my weaknesses
Make an open show
of my faults
And yet,
It covers me
It covers me
Until there is no more of me…
Only You.
Your Light has found me
and I will abide within it
Copyright 2008
Please do NOT use without permission.