In This Issue:
From Ameerah's Heart to
short note to you
Shaddai - Calling For Reinforcement
Columnist Article
DO IT! - by Guest Columnist Laraine Hemrick Horney
In The VIP Corner
New in The Hem's Special VIP Corner?
Ameerah's Heart To Yours: A
short note to you...
Greetings from The Hem!
Welcome to another issue of The Hem Devotional! I want to
you once again for allowing me into your life to share God's love and
promises with you. I want you to know that I don't take this
responsibility lightly!
NEW! Free Reaching for the Hem Tele-Classes!
As The Hem's webministry continues to grow, God is once again
challenging me to take this website to another level.
Watching how many people God was able to touch through the free
4 day web-conference that we recently held, I wondered what He would be able to do if every
month I taught a free tele-class on how to go deeper in Him.
Then, I thought, what could He do if I hosted 2?
some prayer, I realized that is exactly what God wants me to do.
But, then I wondered, 'How will I come up with topics for all
these classes?' But, as always, God lead me to the
solution. Since the classes are for you - Let You Choose!
before each class, you will be able to submit questions you
about connecting with your Heavenly Father and deepening your
relationship with Him. Then, I will prayerfully pick the best
questions, and answer them during the class. Quality questions that I
don't get to will go into the pool of questions for the next free
All Free
Tele-Classes will be held 8:30pm Eastern Standard Time
(5:30pm Pacific/7:30pm Central) and you can join in online or by phone!
Our first free class will be July 24th. I'll be sending you
the registration information late next week, so be on the look out for
a special message from me.
Those of you who attended the Reaching
for the Hem Conference
know that there was a special preview opening of The Hem's new School
of the Spirit exclusively for those who attended the conference
doesn't open until September). Well, for those believers who
managed to sneak into the school during the secret summer registration,
we are in the midst of studying the true heart and nature of
As I was making this week's video lesson, Introducing
God: Who is He really, God knew it was the
perfect time to teach me and my husband Who He really is in our own
personal life.
that's what this month's devotional is going to be about - Who is God?
Not Who our pastors say He is, or who the world says He is,
Who He says He is.
God Bless,

In The VIP
This month's Christian Video of the Month is an
excellent lesson
on the amazing awesomeness of our God. You'll want to set
aside about
10 minutes to watch the video all of the way through for a special
revelation about God's ability to hold all things together by His
power. Check
it out in the VIP Corner!
Devotional: El Shaddai
- Calling For Reinforcement...
And God said to him, I am
God Almighty (El Shaddai).
Be fruitful and
multiply; a nation and a company of
shall come from you and
kings shall be born of your stock;
land which I gave Abraham and Isaac I will give to you,
and to your
descendants after you I will give the land.
~Genesis 35:11:12 (AMP)
Have you ever seen a
small child
struggling to do something on their own? They struggle and
struggle, but no matter how hard they try, they're still just a little
too short to reach, or their hands are just a little too small to grasp
it. But, though you've offered your assistance, they are so
focused on being "all grown up," that they won't even take your help.
Well, many of us are that way with God, and we don't even know it.
our society, there is a certain amount of pride that we put into being
self-sufficient. We don't want to ask anyone for help because
think it is a sign of weakness and, like all other walls that we build
around us, we take this same mindset into our relationship with God.
standing there, watching us struggle to do something all on our own,
waiting for us to accept His outstretched helping hand, and yet we are
so focused on proving to ourselves that we are capable that we fail to
recognize that we aren't.
"What do you mean, Ameerah, telling my I'm not capable! Why,
they Bible says that I can do all things!"
you are half way right. The Bible says that you can do all
through Christ Who strengthens you. But, on your own, you are
just like that small child, struggling to grab hold of your goal, but
your hands are just too small to grasp it.
You know, my husband
had an important test that he had to take a few days ago for his
profession. It was a test to receive what is called A+
certification (it's a computer thing). The test ment an
pay increase AND more respect as a professional in his field.
Needless to say, he was studying hard to make sure
that he
passed. But, when it came down to it, the book he was
from was over 1,000 pages long, and there was no way that he was going
to fit all of that information into his brain with the time
that he had.
In and of himself, he was insufficient for the
task. He could deny it if he wanted to, but he just didn't
measure up. He would take practice test after practice test,
revealing that he was not ready.
But, thankfully, he knew
what to do. He called in reinforcements! His ever
helper that promises to be his "El Shaddai" - The All Mighty and All
Sufficient God!
You see, El Shaddai promises to be all
sufficient in our insufficientcy. When we don't meansure up,
can always call for reinforcements!
After much prayer on both of
our parts, my husband took his exam on Monday, and didn't just pass,
but his boss was impressed with his scores! You see, when El
Shaddai shows up, He's not just barely enough to supply your needs,
He's MORE than enough. When you put your trust into Him
of in yourself, He always does excedingly and abundantly above what
you've asked Him to do.
I think one of the sneakiest forms of
pride is the kind that stops us from going to God for help.
know, He promises to be our El Shaddia and to supply our needs, and yet
how many of us have needs that we are still trying to supply on our own?
want to challenge you to pray and ask God what things in your own life
that you have been trying to tackle on your own that He wants to help
you with. I can guarantee you that it won't be as easy as you
think to relinquish control of those things over the your Heavely
Father. But, once you watch as He comes through for you in a
you could have never done for yourself, you will never want to do
anything else on your own again!
Scripture Memory Card
Print this scripture
memory card, and meditate on these words from God throughout
the month.
Allow His Word to renew your mind as you learn how to depend
on Him instead of your own power.
Lord, Help
Me To Believe in and Receive Your Help
And God said to him, I am God Almighty (El Shaddai). Be fruitful and
multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall come from you and
kings shall be born of your stock; The land which I gave Abraham and
Isaac I will give to you, and to your descendants after you I will give
the land. -Genesis 35:11:12 (AMP)
I look up to the mountains— does my help come from there?
My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and
He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will
not slumber.
-Psalm 121:1-3 (NLT) |
You Want To Experience
True Intimacy With God?
you longing for more of God's Holy Spirit in your life? The Becoming
God's Masterpiece Bible Study Program guides you
step-by-step into a
deeper more fulfilling relationship with your Heavenly Father.
The course uniquely combines Bible study, prayer, and scripture
meditation to help you connect with God through His Word and His
Spirit. If
you are feeling that gentle
tug from the Lord urging you to take your relationship with
Him to
the next level, pray and ask God if this program might be the next step
in your spiritual growth journey.
Columnist Article: ME
By Guest Columnist Laraine Hemrick Horney
The little child perched on his father’s lap behind the wheel of the
big semi. The child pretended to start the engine by turning an
imaginary key in the keyless ignition, his tiny voice imitating the
sounds of a roaring engine. Straining to look in both side mirrors, he
checked for traffic. He stretched as far as he could to get his pointed
tiny toes to reach the gas pedal.
Truth is, he was just playing.
When Dad offered to help, the boy became indignant, shouting “Me do
it!” at the top of his voice, and then a tantrum followed. Dad backed
off and let the child pretend. How ridiculous it would have been for
the Dad to say “No I will do it” and have a shouting match and power
struggle ensue. This was learning time, play time. Dad was training the
We are in training too We sit in the presence of the Most High God, and
holler “Me Do It” as He trains us in righteousness. We turn the
imaginary key in the ignition of our lives and think that we can
actually drive ourselves anywhere. We think we know where we are going
and what we are doing, but truth be told, we are novices on the highway
of life.
God, in His graciousness, fills us in on some of the details of the
journey as we go, but we are really participants and students in this
journey. We are not in control of the engine that drives our vehicle,
nor the steering mechanism that guides our path. God is, or at least is
supposed to be in control, that is, if we are not too busy struggling
to take it from Him!
I am not saying we are mindless captive passengers, but we must
acquiesce to the fact that we do not truly have a clue where we are
going, or how to get there. And, when our “vehicle of faith” is not
running as it should, we must seek skilled repair from the Master
Mechanic to make us right again.
Oh yes, God wants us to mature in our faith… to learn … to grow – but
this knowledge and maturity will never replace our need for God to be
the true driving force in our life.
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