In This Issue:
From Ameerah's Heart to
short note to you
Were Created For Communion With God!
Columnist Article
The Glory of His Presence - by Guest Columnist Ann Stewart
In The VIP Corner
New in The Hem's Special VIP Corner?
At The Hem!
lessons and resources from The Hem
Ameerah's Heart To Yours: A
short note to you...
Greetings from The Hem!
Welcome to another issue of The Hem Devotional! I always feel
blessed that you give me even a short moment to share what God puts on
my heart with you.
If this is your first issue of The Hem, I 'd like to
say Welcome! I pray that this email and the free resources in
the Hem's VIP Corner
help you to keep your
eyes focused on Jesus, regardless of your outward circumstances.
Are you registered for the Reaching
For The Hem Free Online Christian Conference? You
know, I never imagined that this conference would generate so much
excitement! It is still nearly a month away, and there are
already way over 100 hungry Christians registered and ready to receive!
I have been receiving almost daily emails since I announced the
conference. I've been truly blessed by people sharing their
hearts with me and telling me what they need to take away from
this Spirit Filled event. I've taken each of your requests
and started designing the entire conference around what
you've been asking for.
We aren't just going to skim the surface and talk fluff Christianity at
this conference. We are going to get to the heart of building
a real relationship with God, and lay
out specific steps that you can personally take to really connect with
Remember, even if you
are a registered VIP member, you still have to officially register
for the free conference to receive
the special messages and gifts. The free videos and downloads
will not be available to people who aren't specifically
registered for
the conference, simply because you haven't told me you want them .
If you are already registered for the conference, look out for an email
from me tomorrow. I will be officially releasing your
speakers, plus your 9 seminars and workshops. Like I
said before, I want this conference to be all about YOU and what YOU
need. So, after tomorrow, you will be able to post
specific questions to be answered in each and every
session. That means you
will be in control of what the speaker
will covered in every seminar that you
So, if you aren't registered for the conference yet, be sure to register
today so that you can have your questions answered.
I want everyone to know that all of the emails that I've
received for the conference
have really touched me. The resounding desire of your hearts
seems to be to truly deepen the intimacy that you share with the
Lord. You all have really touched my heart, and I want to
share something special with
you. I wouldn't normally share this because it is a part of
Becoming God's Masterpiece Bible study program. But, I think
it will be a good lead in to the conference as we all focus our minds
on working to develop a deeper relationship with our Heavenly Father.
Please tell me what you think!
God Bless,

Pass Along
Has The Hem Bible Studies and free eDevotional been a blessing to you?
Help someone you love Reach For The Hem of God's Garment! Send
them a copy of this month's eDevotional and free Bible Lessons.
Devotional: You Were
Created For Communion With God!
When I am raised to life again,
you will know that I am in my Father,
and you are in me, and I am in you.
who accept my commandments and obey them
are the ones who love me.
because they love me, my Father will love them.
And I will love them
and reveal myself to each of them.”...
“All who love me will do what I say. My Father will love them,
and we will come and
make our home with each of them.
(John 14:20, 21,23 NLT)
Did you know that, just like Adam and Eve living in the
Garden, God wants to come and make His home with you right where you
From the moment of man's creation, God's plan was always
for us to have
an intimate relationship with Him. To be able to walk and
talk together in a union unlike any other we are able to experience
here on earth.
Paul said:
[For my determined
purpose is] that I may know Him
[that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted
with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding
the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly]
– Philippians 3:10a (AMP)
And that is your purpose too.
We've all read the history of creation. After creating the
world, your Heavenly Father skillfully and uniquely created us in His
own image. Just like He had dominion over heaven, He gave us
dominion over earth. We were a match made in
heaven. But, because of Adam and Eve's mistake, there was a
rift created within the relationship between God and man.
But, because of God's unyielding love for you, He refused to let that
be the end of the love story. He devised a plan that would
wipe man's slate clean, and mend the broken bond between God and man...
Behold, a virgin
shall be
with child, and shall bring forth a son,
and they shall call His name
which being interpreted is, God with us.
- Matthew 1:23
Of course, even as a Christian, Satan does not want you
feel like the Lord is with you. He would rather you confine
your spiritual walk to mere religion, and have you miss out on the
opportunity to experience what Jesus died to give you – An intimate
relationship with God.
Your Heavenly Father promises to be that "friend that sticketh closer
than a brother." (Proverbs 18:23-24). Just like you are
longing to commune with Him, He is longing to be close to you.
Believe it or not, you can have the relationship with Him that you have
always longed for. Jesus promised it!
If you [really]
love Me,
you will keep (obey) My commands.
And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter
(Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and
Standby), that He may remain with you forever.
– John 14:15-16 (AMP)
The Holy Spirit has been sent to this earth to commune with the
children of God. To be your Counselor when you need
counsel. To be your Strengthener, when you need
strength. To ensure that you will never have to walk through
your life alone.
Because you were never intended to.
© Ameerah Lewis, Becoming God's Masterpiece Bible Study Program, Please do not use
without permission.
Scripture Memory Card
Print this scripture
memory card, and meditate on these words from God throughout
the month.
Allow His Word to renew your mind as you rediscover how to
truly connect with Him.
Lord, Help
Me To Commune With You Each & Every Day
[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him
[that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted
with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding
the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly]
– Philippians 3:10a (AMP)
If you [really] love Me, you will keep (obey) My commands.
And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter
(Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby),
that He may remain with you forever. – John 14:15-16 (AMP) the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and
with all thy mind. -Matthew 22:36-38
True Intimacy With God...
you longing for more of God's Holy Spirit in your life? The Becoming
God's Masterpiece Bible Study Program guides you step-by-step into a
deeper more fulfilling relationship with God.
The course uniquely combines Bible study, prayer, and scripture
meditation to help you connect with God on a deeper level. If
you are feeling that gentle
tug from God, I truly believe that this Bible
study program that God gave to me can help you go deeper in Him.
also hand picked 3 free books to accompany
the course that are specifically designed for hungry
Christians like you.
Columnist Article: Oh
The Glory of Your Presence!
By Guest Columnist Ann Stewart
Oh what glory it truly is to be sitting in His Presence. Once that
Presence envelops you, you feel like Peter on the Mount of
Configuration when he wanted to build a tent and stay there forever.
It’s as if you have suddenly come face to face with a little fawn in
woods. You hardly dare to breathe for fear that you’ll disturb that
magical moment as in a flash it’ll be gone forever.
It’s so wonderful just to sit in peace and not have to say a thing. The
pains, concerns and trials you came to share with Him have somehow
vanished. Just being with Him and basking in His glory transforms you
and the world around you. The moment will pass but not His
encouragement, power and wisdom. For God always gives. He never leaves
you nor forsakes you. (Heb. 13: 5) Unlike the elusive deer, He is
always there, and will reveal Himself again and again whenever you
diligently seek His face.
In His presence you’ll never experience disappointment or
discouragement. In fact, after having tasted of His glory, you’ll be
compelled to stand to your feet with your hands outstretched towards
Him with joyful praise on your lips! The urgent crises that confronted
you don't seem so critical any more! You can feel His power rising up
within you, bursting with a surge of faith that wasn't there before.
You're buoyed up and know that you know that you somehow:
“can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth [you].” (Phil. 4:
It is good to have a designated quiet spot where you can have your
daily communion with Him. What is most important to Him is to have a
walking, talking relationship with Him. In other words, it's not at all
about feeling; it's the daily walk that counts. You may feel absolutely
nothing when you sit quietly with Him. That does not mean that He's not
there! Be mindful of the fact that feelings are only fleshly emotions.
Although it's wonderful to “feel” His Presence, and He does want you to
experience it, the most important thing is to put your focus on Him.
His presence shows up whether you're in the midst of praising, sitting
quietly in meditation, or ministering His love to others. He inhabits
the praises of His people. Whatever you do unto Him according to His
will goes up as incense unto Him! (Ps. 141: 2)
Don't allow the cares and busyness of this world to keep you from doing
everything as unto Him. I especially love the Psalms as David, despite
his many serious shortcomings, had a heart for God. He's such a
wonderful example of how to touch God's heart. He would talk to his
problems and then praise God!
“Why are thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted in me?
Hope thou in God; for I shall yet praise him for the help of his
countenance.” (Ps. 42: 5)
In other words, no matter what life-and-death situation he was in, he
would stop, force his attention off the situation, and bring it before
the Lord. He was constantly hoping, believing, and expecting God to
show up!
“As the hart [deer] panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul
after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when
shall I come and appear before God?” (Ps. 42: 1)
I pray that you, like David, acquire an ever increasing thirst for God
and discover the glory of His presence, which will deepen your faith
and empower you to withstand the world's onslaughts.
<>< <><
As an inspirational author and self-growth expert, Ann Stewart's
passion is to empower you to attain spiritual, physical and financial
In The VIP
This month's Christian Video of the Month features
an elderly believer who used the Sword of the Spirit, God's Word, to
defend herself against an armed attacker. Find
out how ministering to a
mugger saved her life...and his.
This month I have also added three new downloadable Christian
wallpapers to the VIP corner. I pray that they help keep your
mind focused on Jesus. They are
great for home, and can even open up the door for you to minister to
others in the work place. Check
it all out in The Hem's Free VIP Corner!
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