4, 2008
Issue #003

In This Issue:
Release Your
Past... Receive Your Future
Phil. 3:13-14
Cor. 5:17-18
Cor. 5:21
How to Set Goals for the New Year
New Bible lessons and resources designed from The Hem!
below to go to the
of His Garment Bible
Study Online
New Years
Release Your Past...
Receive Your Future!
I focus on this
one thing: Forgetting
the past
and looking forward to what lies ahead,
I press on to reach the end of the race
and receive the heavenly prize
for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us
-Philippians 3:13-14 (NLT)
Do you roll your
imperfections over and
over in your mind, until they are the only part of yourself that you
can really see? Are you harboring pains from your past that
just can't seem to let go?
You are not alone. Most people,
Christians included, spend more time staring at their pasts
they spend looking toward their futures.
But, did you know that God loves you just as you are? I'm sure you have
heard someone say it before, but do you really know it deep inside
of you heart?
One who knows you better than anyone else ever will thought you were
good enough to die for. He came to earth so that you could
in your mistakes and pain,
for His perfection and peace.
love how Paul tells the Philippians that he is really only
on one thing - Forgetting the past, and looking forward to what lies
What if we all made that our New Year's Resolution - Releasing our past
to Jesus, and receiving our futures in Him.
Have you made unbelievable mistakes that have haunted and tormented you
- Release Them!
Have you held on to pains from hurtful experiences in your past -
Release Them!
Jesus is ready and willing to carry all of your burdens, if
you are finally ready to hand them over.
if you really want to stay free, you will have to walk
forgiveness. Not just with those around you, but with
Why not start this year fresh and new? After all, that's what
Jesus came to offer you - A fresh start.
Why not take Him up on the offer? I sure plan to!
Scripture Memory Card
Print this scripture
memory card, and meditate on these words from God throughout
the month.
Allow His Word to renew your mind as you begin Releasing Your
Past and Receiving Your Future!
Thank You
Lord For Helping Me to Release My Past and Receive My Future!
I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking
forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and
receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is
calling us - Philippians 3:13-14 (NLT)
Anyone who belongs to Christ has
become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
And all of this is a gift from God.
-2 Corinthians 5:17-18
For He made Him
who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might
become the righteousness of God in Him. -2 Corinthians 5:21 (NKJV)
Your New Year's Resolution?
God's Masterpiece
Study E-Workbook
- Expanded versions of your
favorite studies from The Hem.
- Exclusive month long study: 4
Steps to a Closer Walk With God!
- Free Prayer Journal, Weekly Meditation
Cards, and more!
Available January 20, 2008
Prayer Corner:
stand in
prayer with Debby
from the US
Debby would like for us to intercede for Marqueen:
"one of God's own, who was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer of the
left lung and 2 lymph
nodes, located too close to the heart for surgical
intervention. They are starting a series of radiation
treatments to prolong her life."
- Thank you for standing in the gap Debby. We are praying
with you!
stand in
prayer with Alphonso
from South Africa.
Alphonso is seeking God for:
"Spiritual growth and a Spirit filled and Spirit Led
Life. To know God intimately and to have a strong relationship with God."
- God Bless your passion for God Alphonso. We are praying
with you!
Please stand in
prayer with Fil
from the United
Fil would like us to intercede for Lorraine:
Let us all pray that the protection of Psalm 91 would cover Lorraine's
home and that God's builds a hedge of protection around it that no
criminal can break though.
- Thank you Fil for standing in the gap for Lorraine. We will
all be praying with you!
stand in
prayer with Mark
from Pakistan
us pray with Mark that God's will be done in regards to His marriage.
Also, that God gives him peace as he waits on Him.
- God Bless you Mark. We are praying with you!
stand in
prayer with
Dianne from the US
Dianne is seeking God regarding a
difficult tenant:
Let us pray that
the situation with the tenant will be resolved quickly and favorably.
That she will move willingly and do no further damage to Dianne's
- May God keep you Dianne. We are praying with you!
stand in
prayer with
Phil from the US
Phil is seeking God for the desires of
his heart that are righteous in God's eyes :
"For the mission
He has for me now. For Him to raise me a mile above those used by Satan
to glorify God. That He blesses me financially now and always, that He
brings me the girl He has for me and infills me with the Holy Spirit.
- God Bless you Phil. We are praying with you!
Are You In Need of
Here to Submit Your Own Prayer Request
Your need will be kept confidential unless you request otherwise.
Columnist Article:
How To Set Goals For The New Year
By Guest Columnist Rebecca Osborn
There is a right way and a wrong way to make a New Year's resolution.
Here are a few expert tips to make sure that you achieve your goals for
the new year.
Create a Plan
'If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.'
Setting a goal without formulating a plan is merely wishful thinking.
In order for your resolution to have resolve, it must
translate into clear steps that can be put into action. A good plan
will tell you what to do next and what are all of the steps required to
complete the goal.
Take Action
If you are like most people, then during the first few days of January,
you will be highly motivated. After that, most people forget their
resolutions completely! It is important that you begin creating your
plan during those first few days.
Write Down Your Resolution
Write down your plan and place it somewhere you will see it often.
Maybe on the kitchen fridge, your office desk, the side of the mirror.
That way you will be constantly reminded of your plan.
Remain Flexible
Expect that your plan can and will change. Life has a funny way of
throwing unexpected things at us, and flexibility is required to
complete anything but the simplest goal. Sometimes the goal itself will
even change. Most of all, recognize partial successes at every step
along the way. Just as a resolution isn't accomplished the day it's
stated, neither is it accomplished the day you reach your goal. Rather,
it's accomplished in many small increments along the way. Acknowledge
these small victories as stepping stones that are going to bring you to
your goals.
* *
* * *
Are you stuck in a rut? Do you want more from life?
Receive a complimentary life coaching session here: Life
Is there greatness on the inside of you but you don't know how to
achieve it? Rebecca has just completed her brand new 7 part e-course,
'Find Your Greatness' Get it free here: Find
Your Greatness
Do you want to learn how to create successful habits and goals?
Download Rebecca's new FREE ebook here: Goal Setting
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