6, 2007
Issue #002

In This Issue:
God is With Us
Matt. 1:23
Spending Less Money This Christmas
below to go to the
of His Garment Bible
Study Online
God is With Us
"Look! The virgin
will conceive a child!
will give birth to a son,
they will call him Immanuel,
means 'God is with us.'"
-Matthew 1:23 (NLT)
It's easy around this
time of year to get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of it all.
Did I miss anyone on the required
card sending list?
Where exactly did we pack the angle for the top of the
Christmas tree?
And how much overtime am I really willing to work to
pay for this all come January?
But, in the midst of all of the planning and presents, we can't allow
ourselves to miss the real truth of what God wanted to show us through
the birth of Jesus.
And what was that truth?
That God is with you.
Despite all of our sins and missteps, " God shows and clearly
proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still
sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us." (Romans
5:8 AMP).
You see, even in the manger, the cross was God's end game.
Jesus was born so that God could be with you. So that, like
with Adam, God could walk with you and talk with you through His Holy
Why? Because He loves you with an unyielding love that just
won't quit!
So, this year while you are out scouring the stores for deals, remember
that God's Spirit is there with you. Give Him a knowing
Chat with Him in the car while you're driving, or in the
kitchen as you're cooking that special dish.
Because that's the gift that Jesus came to give you. Eternal
life with God - And it starts today!
Scripture Memory Card
Print this scripture
memory card and meditate on these words from God throughout
the month.
Allow His Word to renew your mind into realizing that God
indeed is with you.
Thank You
Lord For Being With Me Today and Everyday!
"Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will
give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel,
which means
'God is with us.'" -Matt. 1:23 (NLT)
For unto us a child is born,
unto us a son is given: and the government
shall be upon his shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful,
Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of
Peace. -Isaiah 9:6
God Himself has said, I will not
in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without
support. I will not, I will not, I will not in any
degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let you
down (relax My hold on you)! Assuredly not! -Heb 13:5-6
Your New Year's Resolution?
God's Masterpiece
Study E-Workbook
- Expanded versions of your
favorite studies from The Hem.
- Exclusive 4
Week Study: 4 Steps to a Closer Walk With God!
- Weekly Meditation Cards,
Journals, study questions and more!
Available January 2008
Prayer Corner:
Please pray for The US Government.
There is a piece of legislation that is being pushed for reinstatement
called the " Fairness Doctrine." It will
require Christian radio and TV stations to give equal air time to any
opposing view points. If they talked about homosexuality
being a sin, they would then have to give equal time to gay rights. The
same with abortions and other controversial issues.
It was ruled unconstitutional in 1987,
but many liberal government officials are now heavily pushing its
reinstatement. Click
here to sign a petition online and stand up
for Christ!
stand in
prayer with Christopher from the US.
Christopher says:
"I’ve been struggling with deep emotional and spiritual
attacks and need
your prayers. My desire is to break through this strong
conflict and
grief, to be a better husband, father and Christian. Thank you so very much!"
- God Bless you Christopher. We are standing with you!
Please stand in
prayer with Ron
from the United
Ron would like us to interceded for Vanessa:
"Please pray for Vanessa who is backsliding and involved in wrong
relationship. Thank you."
- Thank you Ron for standing in the gap for Vanessa. We will
all be praying with you!
Are You In Need of
Here to Submit Your Own Prayer Request
Your need will be kept confidential unless you request otherwise.
Columnist Article:
Less Money This Christmas
By Guest Columnist Janet B Pearson
Thrifty living is not cheap living. It is living with the money you
make. Christmas time is often a time we tend to splurge, take out the
credit cards, and spend more than we can pay. This leads to year-long
pain and bills. Be free of this stress and use some common sense ideas
to cut your holiday spending (and enjoy the holiday more).
Here's some tips to help:
- Make a list. Include names and spending limits.
If you come from a large family, suggest drawing names or buying a
family gift.
- Shop online. You can easily comparison shop and
often find incentives like free shipping. That is a double savings --
save money and time.
- Give homemade gifts. People love to receive
homemade breads, cookies, jellies, and crafts. Put them in dollar store
baskets for a creative and useful packaging.
- Buy board games or card games for the entire
- Use your holiday budget. If you have been
budgeting and saving all year, you can avoid the credit card purchases!
Here's some thrifty ideas for decorations:
- Involve the whole family and make old-fashioned
paper chains or popcorn strings. You might even get a bonus of some
quality family time.
- Recycle old Christmas cards into ornaments
using some scissors, a hole punch, some yarn, and imagination.
- Gather some pine cones and spray paint silver
or gold. Finish with a sealer and use as ornaments or decorations in a
clear bowl.
For gifts and decorations, shop after Christmas sales and sales during
the year. Just be sure the bargains are items you will really use!
Also, if you are not faint of heart and can shop the day after
Thanksgiving, you can get some super deals, especially in the early
Just remember, it really is the thought that counts and your friends
and family might enjoy your time as much as a gift...
Janet B Pearson is the editor of
She is married and a mother of 2 with a grand-daughter, and
a new
She recently completed an e book "Thrifty Living: Be Thrifty,
Make A Budget, and Save Money!" Her website,,
offers thrifty living tips, money saving ideas, and help on how to
create a personal budget.
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a Faith Note!
On Holy
Spirit Filled Living 
- Fruit
of the Holy Spirit:
how each of these fruits from God plays its own unique role in
helping you fulfill God's call for your life.
- What
is Speaking
in Tongues? Is
it of God? And, if so, what is the purpose of it? Why do some
Christians do it, while others don't?
Bible Studies
- Virtuous
Women in the Bible: Discover
the lessons hidden within the
legacies of strength and faith left for you
by these heroic
women in the Bible.
- Lesson
1: From Sarai to Sarah -
A Woman's Journey to Faith
- Lesson
2: Mary
Bible study - Be it unto me
Children's Bible Resources
- Children's
Bible Activities: Over the next 10 years, your child will
face temptation. One of the best methods to reach
them for God is to mix fun children's Bible activities in with your
more structured Bible study time.
- Children's
Devotional: This online devotional for children
automatically updates bi-monthly, giving you a fresh
Word from God to share with your child. Each
children's devotional includes a Bible passage, a story, a personal
application, and a Bible memory verse for your child.
- Weekly
Christian Family
Radio Show:
This Christian kid's Radio show is great for teaching your kids Godly
values in a fun and entertaining way. Best of is all, your
children will be
learning through real life situations, which will make the lessons
easier to apply in their own lives.
and Wholeness Studies
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